1.Financial Protocols ( ): 3. country 2.MEDA ( ) : 3. country Overview: History of Financial Assistance 3.Pre-Accession Financial Assistance ( ) : candidate country 4.Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) ( ) : candidate country/ negotiations
II.European Investment Bank (loans/credits) III.Community Programmes (grants) -Life Long Learning and Youth -7.Framework Programme -Culture Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) Overview: Structure of Financial Assistance I.Pre-Accession financial asssistance (grants)
EU Pre-Accession Financial Assistance Common Rules/Principles √ Accession oriented √ Decentralised Implementation √ Ex-ante approval of EC √ Co-financing
IPA ( ) Candidate countries Turkey Crotia Macedonia Potancial Candidate Countries Albania Bosnia-Her. Serbia Montenegro Kosovo Budget: 11,5 Billion Euro INSTRUMENT FOR PRE-ACCESSION (IPA) -PHARE -ISPA -SAPARD -Assistance to Turkey PRE-ACCESSION FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE EU Assistance in Periods ( )
Pre-Accession Financial Assistance: Priorities Institution Building Economic and Social Cohesion Regional Development Cross-Border Cooperation Infrastructure Employment and Social issues Harmonisation with the EU Acquis 1/3
Strategic Coherence Framework ( ) State Planning Organisation Regional Development Institution Building Cross-Border Regional Cooperation Human ResourcesRural Development Operational Programme – Environment Operational Programme – Transport Operational Programme – Regional Competitiveness Operational Programme – Human Res.Dev. Rural Development Strategy National IPA Coordinator (NIPAC) Secretariat General for the EU Affairs IPA: Priority Areas
IPA : Country Allocations (MIFF) Countries Turkey Crotia Macedonia Serbia Montenegro Kosovo Bosnia Her Albania TOTAL Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA)
IPA : Turkey Allocations (MIFF) Components Transition Assistance Cross-border /Regional Coop Regional Development Human Resources Rural Development TOPLAM IPA: Funding per Component (in million €)
PERIOD NUMBER OF PROJECTS BUDGET (M €) Pre-Acc. ( ) IPA (Component 1) ( ) TOTAL Overview: Financial Framework of Assistance
Main Beneficiaries of Financial Assistance - Ministries - Public Institutions - Local Governments -NGOs-Universities-SMEs-Municipalities-Regional/Local Ins. Public Sector (Annual Programming) Non-Public Sector (Call for Proposals) -Trade Unions -Cooperatives -Chambers -Professional Org. -etc.
YEAR PROJECT TITLE BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 2002 Strengthening the Fight Against Money Laundering Ministry of Finance € 2002 Capacity Building in the Field of Environment Ministry of Environment and Forestry € 2002Active Labour Market Strategy Ministry of Labour and Social Security – Empl. Agency € 2003 Regional Development in Samsun (Amasya, Corum, Samsun and Tokat), Kastamonu (Cankiri, Kastamonu and Sinop) and Erzurum (Erzurum, Erzincan and Bayburt) NUTS II regions Undersecreteriat for State Planning Organisation € 2003 Upgrading the Physical Infrastructure in the Telecommunications Sector regarding Market Surveillance Telecommunication Authority € 2003 Turkish Rail Sector Re-Structuring and Strengthening Ministry of Transport (DG State Railways) € Projects (Public Sector)
YEAR PROJECT TITLE BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 2004 Implementation of Human Rights Reforms in Turkey Prime Ministry Human Rights Presidency € 2004 Strengthening the Capacity of Turkish Ministries for Market Surveillance in Selected Areas Ministry of Industry and Trade € 2004 Restructuring and Strengthening of the Food Safety and Control System in Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs € 2004Improvement of Energy Efficiency in TurkeyMinistry of Energy € 2005 Establishing New Border Inspection Posts (BIPs) in the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs 13,250,000 € 2005 Kuşadası Regional Solid Waste Management Project Kuşadası Union Municipalities 20,200,000 € 2005 Enhancement of Traffic Management and Environmental Safety in Turkish Ports and Coastal Areas Undersecretariat of Maritime Affairs 1,490,000 € Projects (Public Sector)
YEAR PROJECT TITLE BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 2005Upgrading the Statistical System of Turkey State Institute of Statistics 11,238,000 € 2005 Upgrading Occupational Health And Safety (OHS) In Turkey Ministry of Labour 3,000,000 € 2006 Modernisation of the Turkish Customs Administration Undersecretariat of Customs 19,027,139 € 2006 Civil Society Dialogue Promotion Between EU and Turkey Secretariat General for EU Affairs 21,500,000 € 2006Improvement of Road Safety in TurkeyDG for Highways27,300,000 € 2006 Expansion of the European Turkish Business Centres Network TOBB25,000,000 € 2006 Support to Human Resources Development through Vocational Education and Training MoNE15,400,000 € Projects (Public Sector)
YEAR PROJECT TITLE BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 2007 Empowerment of Women and Women NGOs in the Least Developed Regions GAP Adm.5,000,000 € 2007 Equip “Mehmetçik” with the Required Skills of the Modern Social Life Turkish General Staff15,300,000 € 2007 Strengthening and Modernizing Turkish Revenue Administration on the basis of EU Taxation Pol. Revenue Administration 1,184,000 € 2008Civil Society Development for Active Participation Civil Society Dev. Centre 3,300,000€ 2008Strengthening Pre-School Education Ministry of Nat. Education 16,900,000 € 2008The REACH Chemicals Project Ministry of Environment 2,500,000 € 2008Parliamentary Exchange and DialogueTBMM2,500,000 € Projects (Public Sector)
YEAR PROJECT TITLE BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET 2007 Empowerment of Women and Women NGOs in the Least Developed Regions GAP Adm.5,000,000 € 2007 Equip “Mehmetçik” with the Required Skills of the Modern Social Life Turkish General Staff15,300,000 € 2007 Strengthening and Modernizing Turkish Revenue Administration on the basis of EU Taxation Pol. Revenue Administration 1,184,000 € 2008Civil Society Development for Active Participation Civil Society Dev. Centre 3,300,000€ 2008Strengthening Pre-School Education Ministry of Nat. Education 16,900,000 € 2008The REACH Chemicals Project Ministry of Environment 2,500,000 € 2008Parliamentary Exchange and DialogueTBMM2,500,000 € Projects (Public Sector)
BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) GRANT SCHEME PROGRAMME PROJECT PROGRAMME BUDGET (€) TOTAL NUMBER OF PROJECTS 1. Employment Agency (2002)Active Labour Market Programme EUSG (2003)Strengthening NGO-State Relations Civil Society Dev.Center (2004)Capacity Building of NGOs in Turkey Ministry of Labour (2004)Strengthening Social Dialouge EUSG (2004)EU-Turkey Bridges of Knowledge State Planning Org. (2004)Sustainable Development Ministry of Culture (2004)Cultural Rights in Turkey EUSG (2005)NGO Grant Facility EUSG (2006)Civil Society Dialogue Promotion Between EU and Turkey Employment Agency (2006)Active Labour Market Programme II Civil Society Dev.Center (2006) Strengthening Participatory Democracy TOBB-EUROCHAMBERS (2006) EU-Turkey Chambers Forum Civil Society Dev.Center (2006) Strengthening Local NGOs Projects (Non-Public Sector)
BENEFICIARY INSTITUTION(s) GRANT SCHEME PROGRAMME PROJECT PROGRAMME BUDGET (€) TOTAL NUMBER OF PROJECTS 14. State Planning Org. (2003)Samsun-Kastamonu-Erzurum RDP State Planning Org. (2001)Eastern Anatolia Reg. Dev. Prog State Planning Org. (2004)Ağrı-Konya-Kayseri-Malatya RDP State Planning Org. (2005)East Blacksea Reg. Dev. Prog State Planning Org. (2003)Bulgaria CBC I State Planning Org. (2004)Bulgaria CBC II State Planning Org. (2005)Bulgaria CBC III State Planning Org. (2006)Bulgaria CBC IV TOTAL Projects (Non-Public Sector) EU Funded (NUTS-II Level) Regional Development Programmes
Benefits & Challenges Benefits: Instrument for adoption of Acquis Increasing capacity for structural funds A model for efficient use of national resources Provides a platform for NGOs and public institutions to work together An impetus for local development
Benefits & Challenges Challenges: Access to information Lack of overall coordination Weak monitoring and evaluation system Efficiency and effectiveness Rules and procedures
For More Information European Commission Secretariat General for EU Affairs European Delegation to Turkey Central Finance and Contract Unit Europeaid
……… THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION... Bülent ÖZCAN Prime Ministry Secretariat General for the EU Affairs Expert Tel: