TWIN RIVERS UNIFIED 2011/12 ADOPTED BUDGET Presented to the Board of Trustees June 28, 2011
2011/12 GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance$41,794,908 Revenues234,465,528 Expenditures232,466,415 Net Increase/(Decrease) Fund Balance1,999,113 Ending Fund Balance$43,794,021 Components of Ending Fund Balance: Nonspendable$555,000 Restricted8 Assigned14,073,227 Unassigned – Economic Uncertainties6,972,589 Unassigned (Available) Fund Balance$22,193,197
2011/12 GENERAL FUND REVENUES Revenue Limit$153,079,623 Federal22,277,074 State46,633,812 Local & Other12,475,019
2011/12 REVENUE LIMIT ADA vs P2 ADA – K/12
Revenue Limit 2.24% Cost of Living Adjustment Apply deficit of % to our undeficited revenue limit (RL) per ADA Twin Rivers USD Loss of $1,448 per ADA $1,448 x 23,740 ADA = $34,375,520 loss of revenue Revenue Limit Funding Deficit Factor Reduction $1,448 (19.754%) $7,330 $5,882 Funded RL = $7,330 – ($7,330 x ) = $7,330 – $1,448 = $5,882
2011/12 P2 ADA - Charter
FEDERAL REVENUE: One-time funding eliminated: American Recovery and Reinvestments Act (ARRA) of $1.2 million Education Jobs Funds of $5.6 million 15% reduction to Title I and 20% reduction to Title II, Teacher Quality Deferred revenue: Estimated at $13.5 million Only $1.7 million is reflected in the Adopted Budget Remainder will be budgeted at First Interim once the actuals are known REVENUES
REVENUES - Continued STATE REVENUE: English Language Acquisition Program now a part of Economic Impact Aid (EIA) EIA reduced 10% QEIA and ASES reduced CSR remains the same as prior year No Mandated Cost One-time funding eliminated Lottery per student rate is $ SBx3 4 Flexibility LOCAL REVENUE: Interest Income One-time funding eliminated State Special Ed – no COLA or cut from SELPA
2011/12 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES Certificated$106,281,703 Classified38,172,390 Employee Benefits42,765,371 Services32,280,799 Books & Supplies12,463,226 Capital & Other502,926
CERTIFICATED SALARIES: Current position control Unrestricted vs. restricted CLASSIFIED SALARIES: Current position control Unrestricted vs. restricted BENEFITS 2011/2012 CATEGORICAL CARRYOVER Not included LUMPSUM $28.85 elementary, $53 junior high, $90.85 high school 2.20% CONTRIBUTIONS Transportation Special Education Community Day School EXPENDITURES
Other Funds Beginning Balance $ 592,078 Income4,264,008 Expenditure4,799,670 Ending Balance $ 56,416 Adult Education Fund Child Development Fund Beginning Balance $ 148,069 Income5,419,058 Expenditure5,416,759 Ending Balance $ 150,368
Other Funds - continued Beginning Balance $ 122,377 Income13,382,500 Expenditure13,359,642 Ending Balance $ 145,235 Cafeteria Fund Deferred Maintenance Fund Beginning Balance $ 0 Income782,750 Expenditure782,750 Ending Balance $ 0
Other Funds - continued Beginning Balance $ 3,700,000 Income36,000 Expenditure3,700,000 Ending Balance $ 36,000 Special Reserve Fund Special Reserve Fund for Post-Employment Beginning Balance $ 1,013,661 Income10,000 Expenditure0 Ending Balance $ 1,023,661
Other Funds - continued Beginning Balance $ 32,880,598 Income4,562,302 Expenditure8,638,218 Ending Balance$ 28,804,682 Building Fund Capital Facilities Fund-Developer Fees Beginning Balance $ 1 Income525,000 Expenditure525,000 Ending Balance $ 1
Other Funds - continued Beginning Balance $ 658 Income0 Expenditure0 Ending Balance$ 658 County School Facility Fund Special Reserve Fund for Capital Outlay Projects Beginning Balance $ 8,507,952 Income82,000 Expenditure4,500 Ending Balance $ 8,585,452
Other Funds - continued Beginning Balance $ 156,349 Income143,000 Expenditure72,500 Ending Balance$ 226,849 Other Enterprise Fund Retiree Benefit Fund Beginning Balance $ 331,143 Income40,000 Expenditure1,000 Ending Balance$ 370,143
2012/13 GENERAL FUND - PROJECTIONS Beginning Fund Balance$43,794,021 Revenues239,293,091 Expenditures237,421,286 Net Increase/(Decrease) Fund Balance1,871,805 Ending Fund Balance$45,665,826 Components of Ending Fund Balance: Nonspendable$555,000 Restricted0 Assigned22,565,296 Unassigned – Economic Uncertainties7,121,675 Unassigned (Available) Fund Balance$15,423,855
2013/14 GENERAL FUND – PROJECTONS Beginning Fund Balance$45,665,826 Revenues243,496,740 Expenditures240,698,795 Net Increase/(Decrease) Fund Balance2,797,945 Ending Fund Balance$48,463,771 Components of Ending Fund Balance: Nonspendable$555,000 Restricted0 Assigned31,057,365 Unassigned – Economic Uncertainties7,219,560 Unassigned (Available) Fund Balance$9,631,846
SACS BUDGET FORMS Budget Certification Average Daily Attendance Revenue Limit Summary Multi Year Projections – General Fund Summary of Interfund Activities Current Expense Formula/Minimum Classroom Compensation Schedule of Capital Assets – 2010/11 Schedule of Long-Term Liabilities – 2010/11 Other Funds Criteria and Standards
NEXT STEPS Once the State adopts a 2011/12 Budget, staff will present a budget revision to the Board within 45 days. Any questions?