Lori Kolbeck, Rehabilitation Counselor Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services Two Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA (515)
Our Mission Mission We provide expert, individualized services to Iowans with disabilities to achieve their independence through successful employment and economic support. Vision To be a respected leader that delivers innovative services to better the lives of Iowans with disabilities
Exchange of Information IVRS is a division under the Department of Education IVRS is able to communicate with AEA and LEA IVRS is able to access student information
Who Do We Serve? Students and adults with disabilities who can benefit from assistance to determine career goals and find employment. We serve a broad range of disabilities. Examples include: learning disabilities, ADHD, depression, substance abuse, orthopedic disorders, diabetes, arthritis, hearing impairments, and many others! The majority of students on an IEP will qualify. Students do not have to be on an IEP to qualify. Past IEP students, 504 plan students, and general education students can also qualify.
Eligibility Criteria The individual must have a documented disability. We have an agreement with Department of Education for documentation of a learning disability The disability must limit the individual’s opportunity for preparing for, obtaining, or keeping a job Vocational Rehabilitation services will assist the individual in obtaining meaningful employment
Eligibility Criteria
Our Purpose We are an employment program. Our goal is to help adults and students develop career plans. Services are individualized and based upon interests and skills. We develop an Individual Employment Plan (IPE) which is a document that identifies an individual’s goal and services to be provided to help them reach that goal. This goal does have to be realistic and mutually agreed upon. We want our IPE to align with the IEP for a smoother transition.
Employment Plan Assessment: Interest inventories, vocational assessments Counseling and Guidance: Career planning, assistance in identifying a career goal, disability awareness and self advocacy Training: College, On the Job training, financial assistance, counseling on accommodations Assistive Technology: Identification on needs, financial assistance for hearing aids, prostheses, etc. Job Placement: Assistance with job search, resumes, interviewing skills, employer expectations
Expectations IVRS expects from students: We have the same expectations of our participants that employers have of their employees We expect cooperation, good attendance, and willingness to work We expect the student to be an equal and active partner We expect our participants to work at least 20 hours per week in a community job We expect that a student will follow through with services from the time that their file is open until their file is closed
Expectations Students and teachers can expect: IVRS counselor presence in all schools IVRS counselor to meet with students during the sophomore year of high school to complete applications Counselor will provide assessments, career counseling, and college planning Counselor can help arrange job shadowing experiences Counselor will serve as a link between education and world of work Counselor can provide counseling on disability issues and accommodation needs for post secondary work and training success Counselor can provide information on careers, education expectations, and employer expectations Counselor is available to do presentations on various topics Counselor is expected to communicate on a regular basis with educators and provide feedback and information on services provided to student Counselors are able to attend IEP meetings and contribute to a student’s plan
Next Steps Counselors will be in contact with teachers, principals, and AEA reps in each area Development of relationships in each school Establish a good system for referral of students and provision of services and participation in IEP meetings Best Practices Handout