What is CETI * Why integrated research, practice and education * What do we do in terms of applied research * Here are some ongoing research projects and results * Questions?
Departments within the College of Engineering Center for Resilience John Glenn Institute School for Public Policy & Management The Ohio State University Contact Partnership for Performance Collaborative for Enterprise Transformation and Innovation Industry-driven research, practice, and teaching
TECHNOLOGY TRENDS 1982 Database Servers File servers Groupware TP Monitors Ethernet Era Client/Server First Wave Second Wave Orfali, Harkey, Edwards Inter-Intranet Era Network Client/Server Third Wave Enterprise servers Workflow External context aware, adaptive 2005 Dynamically Interacting entities-processes, organizations, assets, and components Ubiquitous, Service-oriented, Mobile Fourth Wave Adaptive Complex Enterprise Architectures
Industry Trends Globalization Mergers Outsourcing Competition Shrinking budgets Complexity – thousands of systems, organizations, processes, assets
C.E.T.I.'S MISSION Enable transformation with integrated Enterprise-IT best practices knowledge and innovation. service-managementFocus on service-management processes. Open SourceProvide Open Source pattern reference implementations.
Organizations (Businesses and Government) Economic and technology forces – rapid evolution in customer needs, extreme competition, compliance, technology trends, … Solutions, satisfaction measurements, and metrics in practice CETI: Center for Enterprise Transformation and Innovation (Research, Teaching, and Practice & Pattern Cyberstrucutre) Pattern knowledge delivery and validation Strategy Analysis Execution knowledge needs Research by academic units, industry, product / process technology companies, & standards bodies. Consolidated Strategy Analysis Execution pattern requirements Knowledge creation C.E.T.I Model - ADAPTIVE COMPLEX ENTERPRISE TESTBED Lower process costs, effective business processes, and measurements Service delivery processing and information requirements, information, assurance, and security needs, etc. Internal IT Dissemination by OITA, CTC, iTSMF. Affiliated centers, schools, external organizations Feedback
RESEARCH AND PRACTICE AREAS: Innovation: market trends, new business opportunities identified and addressed by leveraging IT and emerging technologies. Process transformation: process assessment, improvement through lean and adaptive process design, and e-Workflow enaction. implementation of service-oriented processes (like ITIL ISO20000). integrated product/ process development. Enterprise architecture planning and execution: portfolio development relating business goals to operational needs and IT enablement. traceability monitoring and information for decision making. information management and assurance for regulatory compliance, management of information assets, audit, classification, destruction, protection, etc.
EXAMPLE PROJECTS CERCS & OSU Research Faculty CETI ACE ACE Knowledge Architecture Patterns and Ontology Frameworks for transformation ACE Cyber- structure CETI ACE Transformation Practice Primary service delivery processes International and Homeland Security Experimental Computing Systems High performance systems and applications Wireless Sensor Networks Enterprise systems Embedded pervasive systems CETI ACE Product/Process Innovation Pervasive Patient Management Agora Broker Community WSN IDE Eclipse Workbench for Lean Manufacturing
Research Areas 1.Enterprise software engineering: 1. SEI: ATAM, COTS and commercial components acquisition and selection 2. NFR Framework 3. Software Paradigms 1.Patterns - Design Patterns, E-Business Patterns, EAI Patterns 2.Software components 4. Software reuse 5. Policy-based architectures 6. Tool integration 7. MDA and generative programming systems 2.Enterprise Information Management 1. Enterprise Architecture 2. Business process management 3. Service Oriented Architectures 4. Information Security and Assurance Policy 3.Business frameworks: 1. Competitive Analysis 2. Balanced Scorecard 3. Loose coupling 4. Sense and Respond 5. Organizational Design and Engineering 6. Cost Accounting 7. Business Patterns 8. Resilience 4.Technology areas: 1. Web services 2. Enterprise Application Integration 3. Workflow and work-management 4. Collaborative Virtual Environments 5. Enterprise Security Technology 6. Wireless sensor networks 7. Pervasive computing 8. Intelligent Agents 9. The Semantic Web
Organizations Business Process Transactions Resources (human, IT software and network components,…) Service catalogs and required roles Assign services Use Charge Operational Processes IT Architecture andmanagement processes Assign resource s Use Customers (Internal & External) Request classification and assignment Deliverable quality & metrics IT Customers (Internal & External) Deliverable quality & metrics Strategy Triage pattern Request classification and assignment Triage pattern Info space pattern Role pattern
COLLABORATION BENEFITS TO INDUSTRY Think tank: Industry-driven research, practice, and training. CETI Portal: Go-to expertise, mentorship, Inter- disciplinary training, high-value skills Independent assessments and knowledge. Advanced knowledge based on rapid best-practice feedback loop. Internships, student projects, and access to qualified students. Training workshops and certification. Compliance, standards, and quality expertise. Test-bed for Innovation and diffusion of results. Many-fold $$ leverage.
COLLABORATION BENEFIT TO STUDENTS Industry sponsored project experience Knowledge of Complex Enterprise Systems Industry relevant research as identified and prioritized by industry Creation of knowledge that is relevant to Industry Immersion in interdisciplinary areas Immersion in multiple technology areas
Expected Student Profile An appreciation and inclination for: Solving the whole problem Innovation and entrepreneurship Interdisciplinary research Software engineering in-the-large Industry experience a plus