Chapter 16/18 Drugs/Alcohol
Formula to Follow No more 3drinks/occasion No more than 2/wk Drink on full stomach Metabolize 1 drink/hour
Bodies Defense Taste bad Throw up Pass out
Drug Use Quick fix –Headache, stomach ache, fatigue, mood Need to change lifestyle
Drugs Defined Substance alters biological process –Increase, decrease, start, or stop body process Classified-biological effect –Diuretic, analgesic, stimulant
How They Work Drugs hook to cell protein receptors Resemble natural chemical Prevent or increase release neurotransmitters
Side Effects Unintended action Drug binds to several cells
Contraindication Medical reason not to take a drug –Pregnant, age, taking another drug
Route Administration Ingest Inhale Inject absorb
Metabolism Liver- destroys Kidney/lungs-eliminate
Effectiveness Therapeutic Index- how safe –Effective dose(ED50)- effective in 50% –Lethal dose(LD50)- lethal dose in 50% LD50/ED50 Want large difference
Legal Use Prescription= $100 billion/yr Non-prescription=$12 billion/yr Most sold=psychoactive drugs –Sleeping, mood altering
Printed Advertisement Heavy regulated –Effectiveness, side effects, precaution, contraindications TV and Internet –Little regulated