Leverage in Living and Leading Spiritual Gifts Our Leverage in Living and Leading Why do we need to address this issue? As we discussed in Personality Plus, I am convinced until we begin living out of our real identity as God’s woman and are intentionally persistent in censoring how our spiritual DNA is working together to either impact the kingdom for Christ or is becoming a stumbling block to those we are trying to reach, the power of today’s church body is drastically handicapped. Because of that I hope that I can help you have a better understanding of who you really are in Christ. That it will help you more effectively operate out of your “power source.” God has already provided the resources for you. Oh, to throw off the things that so easily entangle us so that we can experience that exhilarating feeling like something incredible is happening in our life and ministry – because it will be. Goal for this session: To gain a better understanding of who the “real You” is And how an understanding of our spiritual DNA – our personality traits and tendencies, fruit of the Spirit, and spiritual gifts, - work together to equip women to live out of their “power source” in life and ministry. How to use this information of understanding ourselves and others so we work in unity to function as a body working together to impact the kingdom for Christ. www.lifeway.com/women • LifeWay Christian Resources
R eality of a relationship with the Father through His Son Releasing The Real You R eality of a relationship with the Father through His Son E xpressing our unique personality in harmony with God’s Word A cting upon the fruit of the Spirit L iving out our giftedness in life and ministry To do that we focus on understanding how Reality of a relationship with the Father through His Son Expressing our unique personality in harmony with God’s Word Acting upon the fruit of the Spirit Living out our giftedness in life and ministry Releases the power in life and ministry. Colossians 3:3 (MSG) 3 Your old life is dead. Your new life, which is your real life—even though invisible to spectators—is with Christ in God. He is your life.
Purpose What the Bible says about Spiritual gifts Consider the gifts that have been given to us as unique individuals Ways to discover or affirm ones Spiritual gifts Understanding how to effectively work in harmony with others to impact the Kingdom
Biblical Basis for Gifts 1 Corinthians 12: 1, 4 – 11; Romans 12:1-8 What are Spiritual Gifts? 1 Corinthians 12: 1, 4 – 11; Romans 12:1-8 Definitions: “A special qualification, granted by the Holy Spirit, to every believer, to empower him/her to serve in ministry.” C. Gene Wilkes “Individualized endowments of grace from the Father, equipping you to play a vital role in His plan for the redemption of the world.” Ken Hemphill Biblical Basis for Spiritual gifts What are spiritual gifts? [Read] 1 Corinthians 12: 1, 4 – 11; Romans 12:1-8; Definition – “A special qualification, granted by the Holy Spirit, to every believer, to empower him/her to serve in ministry.” Gene Wilkes, Jesus on Leadership “Individualized endowments of grace from the Father, equipping you to play a vital role in His plan for the redemption of the world.” Ken Hemphill, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
B. The Purpose of Spiritual Gifts Ephesians 4:11 – 13 To prepare God’s people for service Build up the body of Christ Create unity of faith Provide knowledge of Christ Develop maturity GIFTS, SPIRITUAL (Gk. charismata, “gifts of grace”). Outside of the Pauline epistles this term is used only once in the NT, namely, 1 Peter 4:10, where it is rendered “special gift,” i.e., a gift of divine grace. The expression “Each man has his own gift” (1 Cor. 7:7) seems to imply continence or some other gracious endowment in its place. In 2 Cor. 1:11 the “favor” or gift was deliverance from great peril to life. Paul calls that which he intends to communicate to the Romans through his personal presence among them a “spiritual gift” (Romans 1:11), “because in his apprehension all such instruction, comfort, joy, strengthening, etc., as are produced by his labors, are regarded not as procured by his own human individuality, but as a result which the Holy Spirit works by means of him—the gracious working of the Spirit, whose organ he is” (Meyer, Com., ad loc.). The “free gift,” or “gift by the grace” (Romans 5:15-16), is the economy of divine grace, by which the pardon of sin and eternal salvation are appointed to sinners in consideration of the merits of Christ laid hold of by faith (cf. Romans 6:23); plural of the several blessings of the Christian salvation (Romans 11:29). In the technical Pauline sense “gifts” denote extraordinary powers distinguishing certain Christians and enabling them to serve the church of Christ, the reception of which is due to the power of divine grace operating in their souls by the Holy Spirit (Romans 12:6; 1 Cor. 1:7; 1 Cor. 12:4, 31; 1 Peter 4:10); specially the sum of those powers requisite for the discharge of the office of an evangelist (1 Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6). The fullest list of these charismata, or spiritual gifts, is given in 1 Cor. 12. Concerning spiritual gifts Cremer says: “Their number is as various as the needs of the Church, and neither the enumeration of 1 Cor. 12, nor of Ephes. 4, nor Romans 12 can be regarded as exhaustive. But those are permanent which are necessary for the government of the Church, and those temporary which had a miraculous element, as the miraculous gifts of the apostles. But among the latter is not to be included the ‘gift of proclaiming the Gospel so as to produce faith’ (Weiss). The apostolic charismata bear the same relation to those of the ministry that the apostolic office does to the pastoral office, and consist in the power to lay the foundations of the Church. They are therefore not repeated, as the Irvingites hold, for there are no circumstances calling for their repetition” (art. in Schaff-Herzog). » See: Spiritual Gifts —New Unger's Bible Dictionary
C. The Command to use our Gifts “Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
D. Key Biblical Principles Concerning Spiritual Gifts Each Christian has at least one gift (1Cor 12:7) Each gift is given as the Holy Spirit directs (1 Cor 12:11) No one has all of the gifts (1 Cor 17:7, 12:29-30) No gift is better than the other (1 Cor 12:21-26) Each gift has the same purpose (Eph 4:12, Rom 12: 6-8) Even the newest Christians can serve Because God is the source of our Spiritual Gift our reaction should be one of excitement and gratitude. The God of the universe has chosen to give me and you certain strengths to use for His purpose. (Uniquely Designed, Pg 47) We should appreciate believers who have different gifts than we do and be content with the gifts we have been given Purpose – to serve others to benefit the body. Working through us by supernaturally empowering us to serve as a member of the Body of Christ resulting in unity in the body. God works through us when we exercise our gifts Exercising our gifts helps us develop our spiritual maturity (Eph 4:11,13) Your gifts reveal God’s grace (Rom 12:4-8)
Reality Check Discussion WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR CHURCH? Discovering Your Personality Style Interpreting Styles Inventories are not to determine, right, wrong, normal or abnormal personalities. It is to learn to use your strong traits and tendencies as leverage and to recognize where you struggle so you can turn those areas into strengths. This will enable you to relate better to others. The purpose of this assessment is not to use as information for making judgmental assessments of others, but to be able to encourage and help others effectively function in their “power zone” in ministry.
The Matter of Motive OUR Motive Fill a position Accomplish a task Keep people busy Bring attention to ourselves Look at our church’s motives Look at our personal motives “Conceit, pride, and selfish motives will cancel out the blessing your gift was meant to be”, Tom Blackaby (Pastor and Author) Phil. 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfishness or vain conceit…
The Matter of Motive GOD’S Motive Reveal Himself to us Reveal Himself through us Encourage & edify other believers Questions to consider: è Why did God give Spiritual gifts? è Why do we serve God? Is there anything that we can do for God that He cannot do for Himself?
C. Gene Wilkes, Jesus on Leadership Changing Our Motive Churches must move from a position where people serve the structure of the church to a position where its structure serves the people’s needs. C. Gene Wilkes, Jesus on Leadership
Scriptural Examples of Spiritual Gifts Teaching Leadership Knowledge Wisdom Prophecy Discernment Exhortation Shepherding Faith Evangelism Apostleship Service Mercy Giving This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. No complete list mentioned anywhere in the Bible as to not limit the freedom of the Holy Spirit The purpose of the gifts (discussed in the Bible in light of certain churches) are meant to meet the needs of that particular church. Different churches have different needs therefore their members have different gifts to meet their specific needs. .
The ABC’s of Gift Discovery A. Ask the Holy Spirit for truth in your innermost being. wisdom to understand yourself help to understand your spiritual gift(s) faith to accept and use your spiritual gift(s) ability to see the needs of your local body The process of gift discovery begin with prayer and Bible study . . . The more time you spend with the One who gave the gift, the more opportunity you have to learn what He has gifted you to do as a part of His body. Like an apprentice who ask the Master craftsman how to use a tool, your prayerful questions will lead you to God’s plan for why He has given you the gift. The ABC’s of Gift Discovery from Paula Hemphill’s article in Transformed Lives.
The ABC’s of Gift Discovery (Continued) B. Believe God’s Word when it says that YOU are gifted. C. Commit to move out of your comfort zone and try new avenues of service. God is Creator: We must first embrace the truth that we are made in the image of God and are created with a purpose. We can help women understand that their worth is based on who they are in Christ and not on the worlds standards. Matt. 25:14-29 “The best way to learn how God has gifted you is to serve. Start with what comes easiest to you. We think God always ask us to do what we can’t do or what we don’t want to do. It makes more sense that what we love to do for God may be the very thing He gifted you to do all along for Him.” C. Gene Wilkes What fears are keeping you from fully using your gifts?
The ABC’s of Gift Discovery (Continued) D. Discern through the affirmation of other Christians where God is directing you to serve. E. Examine your motives for seeking God’s gifts. F. Follow the Spirit’s leading when He reveals your passion, your burden.
The Process of Gift Discovery Spiritual Gift Assessment Tools Spiritual Gifts Survey Spiritual Gifts List Where do you feel God leading you to serve Him? Spiritual Gift Assessment Tools There are a number of good assessment tools available. Spiritual gifts Survey from Jesus on Leadership, by GeneWilkes Downloadables from Lifeway.com Allow attendees to work though S G survey Talk about their results: Share what gifts they have discovered in their life Share what results surprise them, why? Share what results were confirming to them based on what they love to do or how they are already serving in that area of giftedness. Discuss the use of the Gifts list and the tool “Where do you feel God leading you to serve Him”
Strategies to assist women in finding their place of service Using Gifts in Ministry Strategies to assist women in finding their place of service Leadership must set an example of Biblical service through spiritual gifts Examine our motives and allow God to give us His motive Provide ongoing opportunities for Bible study regarding spiritual gifts 1. Leadership must set the example of biblical service in accordance with spiritual giftedness. · know your gift(s) · let others see how God is using the gifts He has given you 2. Examine your motives - and allow God to give you His motives. Our motive for encouraging other women to be involved in ministry should never be to get things done. The primary motive is to help each women grow spiritually by fulfilling her God-given purpose. We should serve in God’s power and under the Holy Spirit’s leadership, not in your own strength or ideas. 3. Provide ongoing opportunities for Bible study regarding spiritual gifts and gift assessment. *Present Members *New Members
Provide ongoing opportunities for spiritual gifts assessment Develop and implement a system to match gifts with current ministry opportunities. Continually encourage women as they seek to serve God through their spiritual gifts 4. Opportunities for assessments 5. Develop a system to match gifts with ministry opportunities. As leaders it is your responsibility to help women to find an appropriate p lace of service to exercise their gift(s). 6. Unique Design , Pg 78 Six steps to encourage others: Heb. 10:24 “Consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”
Strategies to assist women in finding their place of service Discussion ************Reality Check************* © What have you done in your church that has been effective in helping women to discover and use their gifts? © Other ideas or suggestions © Questions Can you see that this is an ongoing commitment?
Resources Women Reaching Women: Beginning and Building a Growing Women’s Enrichment Ministry, Revised and Expanded Chris Adams, LifeWay Transformed Lives: Taking Women’s Ministry to the Next Level, compiled by Chris Adams, LifeWay www.lifeway.com/women, click Ministry, then Women’s Ministry FAQs Jesus on Leadership, C. Gene Wilkes, LifeWay Spiritual Gifts, David Frances, LifeWay Unique Design: Connecting with the Christian Community, Serendipity Life Connections Series/LifeWay Uniquely You in Christ, Dr. Mels Carbonell Yours for the Giving: Spiritual Gifts, Barbara Joiner
Resources The BodyLife Journey, John S. Powers Network Curriculum, Willow Creek Association Following God: Using Your Spiritual Gifts, Eddie Rasnake Gifts: Learning a Lifestyle of Service, Pursuing Spiritual Transformation, John Ortberg What's So Spiritual About Your Gifts?, Blackaby Women Gifted for Ministry, Ruth & Elmer Towns Unique Design: Connecting with the Christian Community, Serendipity House/LifeWay Making Love Last Forever, Gary Smalley, LifeWay