Presented by Kami Dykes
Receptors and Somatic Senses 1.___ are receptors that are sensitve to changes in the concentrations of chemicals. 2.Whenever tissues are damaged, ___ receptors are likely to be stimulated. 3. Receptors that are sensitive to temperature changes are called ___. 4.___ are sensitive to changes in the light energy. 5.___are sensitive to changes in pressure or to movement of fluid. 6. A sensation may seem to fade away when receptors are continuously stimulated as a result of ___ adaptation. 7. The body can only stand water heated to ___. Chemoreceptors 120 F sensorypain thermoreceptors photoreceptors mechanoreceptors Word Bank
Temporal bone auricle Semi-circular canals Vestibulocochlear nerve cochlea Eustachian Tympanic membrane External Acoustic meatus
Ear Semicircular canals- contains endolymph Stapes Vestibulochlear nerve (auditory) Tympanic membrane Incus Malleus Cochlea Vestibule
External Ear Eustachian Tube Auricle Semicircular canals Incus Malleus StapesCochlea Vestibulochlear nerve (auditory) Oval window Round window Tympanic cavity Pharynx Tympanic membrane External acoustic meatus
The Ear Auditory tube Ceruminous gland External auditory meatus Malleus Osseous labyrinth Scala tympani Scala vestibuli Stapes Tectorial membrane Tympanic cavity Tympanic membrane vestibule Auditory ossicle attached to tympanic membrane Air-filled space containing auditory ossicles Contact hair of hearing receptors Leads from oval window to apex of cochlea S-shaped tube leading to tympanic membrane Wax-secreting structure Cone-shaped, semitransparent membrane attached to malleus Auditory ossicle attached to oval window Bony chamber between the cochlea and semicircular canals Bony canal of inner ear in temporal bone Connects middle ear and pharynx Extends from apex of cochlea to round window 12-26
sclera iris pupil cornea muscle
Iris Pupil Lens Vitreous humor Sclera Optic disc- blind spot Fovea centralis Retina
Structure of the Eye Lateral rectus Retina Choroid coat Sclera Vitreous humor Fovea centralis Optic nerve Optic disc Posterior cavity Medial rectus Anterior chamber Posterior chamber Anterior cavity Ciliary body Suspensory ligaments Iris Lens Pupil Cornea Aqueous humor
Cornea Iris Lacrimal gland Lysozyme Optic disc Retina Sclera Vitreous humor White part of outer tunic Transparent anterior portion of outer tunic Secretes tears Fills posterior cavity of eye Area where optic nerve orginates Smooth muscle that controls light intensity Fills anterior and posterior chambers of the anterior cavity Contains visual receptors call rods and cones Antibacterial agent in tears Structure of the Eye
3 Knives Experiment Use two cold knives with a hot knife in the middle. The brain flips out and senses it as pain. MelissaMr. Jones