National Convocation Disciples Women Report
National Convocation Disciples Women Consists of Disciples Women of the National Convocation of the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ) which includes our Missionary Conventions and Fellowship Groups: Piedmont District Convention, Texas Christian Missionary Fellowship, Tennessee Christian Missionary, Kentucky Missionary, Mississippi Christian Missionary Convention, and Church of Christ (Disciples of Christ)
Be Still and Know that I am God Theme for 2014 Biennial Session of the National Convocation Columbus, Ohio
Our Luncheon Theme: Silence is Golden As we are still and listen to God…. The results are Golden
Our Guest Speaker Rev. Dr. LaTaunya (Toni) Bynum Regional Staff Ohio
Service Project 2014 YWCA – Family Center Columbus (Family center-YWCA Columbus) Donating items most needed: infant and children clothes, women hygiene products, and baby items(,diapers, wipes, formula) etc.
We Celebrate! We Communicate!! We Enable !!! We celebrate : At our biennial sessions a display picturing women from all regions, all levels of the church, our founders, our leaders, beginners, our seekers, our liberators, snap shots of women at their retreats and other gatherings. Sharing the Scripture : Opening the Worship service at 2013 General Assembly
We Communicate Umoja Unity The newsletter Umoja Unity, which translates to Unity-Oneness-Harmony, is created by and produced for the Disciples Women of the National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and edited by the Disciples Women program staff and myself. Its purpose is to inform and invite women to participate in the wonder that is our Church.
We communicate through…….. not only Umoja Unity Disciples Women Just Women Magazine Quadrennial Assembly Facebook and Twitter
We Enable We Enable through LAP… Leadership Apprentice Program (formerly known as Enabler Ministry), established by the Office of Disciples Women in 1996 as a leadership development program for African- American Disciples women, now aimed at equipping all Disciples women of Color to serve in their home congregations and in regional and general arenas of church life.
Our purpose: to provide opportunities for spiritual growth enrichment education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the church of Jesus Christ and to provide a channel through which women in the congregations and the regional Women Ministries in the U.S and Canada may be joined in fellowship and find means for effective participation in the Christian Church(Disciples of Christ)
Our GOAL for 2014 Unveil the National Convocation Endowment Fund for African-American Disciples Women at the 23 rd Biennial Session Luncheon
I still have peace I still believe I can conquer anything And its still by the GRACE of God Submitted by Marilyn F. Williams