Laboratory Safety Take good notes – you will have a quiz on lab safety during your NEXT class!!!
General Safety Rules nAnAlways read your procedure BEFORE going into the lab. –T–The procedure will note particular hazards in the experiment – you won’t be surprised. –A–Ask questions about concerns you have before performing the experiment.
General Rules - continued n Do not block the aisles in the lab with backpacks or other items. n Do not sit on the bench tops – there may be residue that can contaminate your clothing. n Clean up your lab station and put all equipment back where it belongs. n Always wash and dry your hands after each experiment.
General Rules - continued nInIn case of an emergency, know where to evacuate and how to get there. –I–I will go over our evacuation route. nKnKnow the location of all lab safety equipment. –Y–You will be given a sketch of our lab. –W–We will go into the lab and you will label the location of all safety equipment.
Behavior in the lab n Do not do anything that may harm yourself or your classmates. (No horseplay – EVER.) n No eating, drinking, chewing gum in the lab – the chemicals could be ingested. n Do not apply any cosmetics in the lab – not even Chapstick. You could be putting chemicals on yourself.
Dressing for the lab n Safety goggles must be worn while performing any experiment. Contact lenses are not recommended. n A lab apron must be worn over your clothing. Be sure the length of the apron is adequate to cover you. n Sandals and open-toed shoes are not to be worn in the lab. Closed-toed leather or leather-like shoes will not absorb spilled chemicals and protect your feet from shattering or broken glass.
Dressing for the lab - continued n Tie up long hair to prevent it from coming into contact with chemicals or open flames. n Roll up loose sleeves for the same reason. n Dangling jewelry should be removed. n Your personal clothing should at least cover your knees.
Chemical Safety nPnPour liquids from large containers (bottles and jugs) into wide-mouthed beakers, not into graduated cylinders. nNnNever mix chemicals together unless you are told to do so (and then only in the manner specified). nWnWhen diluting an acid, always add the acid to the water. nDnDo not return unused chemicals to their original container.
Chemical Safety - continued n If you need to smell a chemical, use your hand to fan the fumes toward your nose. (This is called “wafting”.) NEVER put your nose over the container and inhale the fumes.
Glassware Safety n Before using, check your glassware for stars or cracks. –If you see chipped or cracked glassware, notify Mrs. Platt. DO NOT use it! n If glassware gets broken, notify Mrs. Platt. DO NOT attempt to pick it up with your hands. n Place glassware on a gauze pad to heat it. n Handle hot glassware with beaker tongs, crucible tongs or safety mitts. – Remember: Hot glassware looks JUST LIKE cold glassware!
Thermometer Safety n Our lab thermometers are glass and filled with colored alcohol. n Never heat the tip of the thermometer over the flame of the burner. It will burst. n It is not necessary to “shake down” the thermometer. n Lay the thermometer on a piece of paper towel or wire gauze to keep it from rolling off the counter.
Burner Safety n Check the hose of your burner for damage before you connect it to the gas outlet. n Keep the burner away from anything that will catch fire. n Light the burner by standing back and holding the striker over the top of the burner. n Turn off the gas immediately if the burner sputters or goes out. n If you smell gas, turn off your burner and notify Mrs. Platt. n Do not reach over the burner while it is lit. n Never leave a lighted burner unattended.
Heating with a lab burner n When heating test tubes, use a test tube holder and angle the test tube over the flame with the opening pointed AWAY from you and anyone else. n Gently move the test tube back and forth over the flame to heat it evenly. n You will be instructed on how to set up the ring stand to heat larger items, such as beakers, over the burner.
Accidents DO happen… n Don’t panic. n Alert Mrs. Platt of any accident – no matter how minor. n Rinse off splashed chemicals with LOTS of water. THEN use soap and water. n Use cool water to ease the pain of minor burns. n If someone else is hurt – HELP THEM.
In case of… n A small fire –If the fire is in a beaker, cover it with a watch glass to smother it. n A clothing fire –Remember: “Stop, drop and roll” OR –Get to the safety shower OR –Wrap the victim in the fire blanket
In case of… n A chemical spill –Alert the teacher and let him/her clean it up n Chemicals in the eye –Get to the eyewash station and flush your eyes for at least 15 minutes. –Notify the teacher n A cut –Gently wash the cut in the sink while alerting the teacher. –Use a clean paper towel as a compress to stop the bleeding. NEVER touch someone else’s blood without gloves.