CAN PETS IMPROVE MENTAL HEALTH? Payton & Lauren 6 th period
WHAT HAS RESEARCH SHOWN? Dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets People with dogs have lower blood pressure in stressful situations Playing with a cat or dog can help people become relaxed Pet owners have lower cholesterol levels Heart attack patients with dogs survive longer than those who don’t Pet owners over age 65 make 30% fewer visits to their doctors then those without pets
AREAS SHOWN TO IMPROVE If you have complicated relationships in your life having a pet to be there will reduce tension and improve mood by letting feelings out and getting a positive response. Between the pet and yourself there will be no hurt feelings and you wont get advice you don’t want The responsibilities of having to take care of these animals can actually add a positive focus to your life Physical activity is obviously an improvement to many aspects to your life including your mental health. For example, if you own a dog, taking it on a walk can improve the mental aspect of your life
AREAS SHOWN TO IMPROVE The act of a routine helps people who struggle with depression. Feeding, grooming, and walks can take your mind off of you problems and help you stay on track with your life A part of depression is withdrawal from people. Having a pet means you’re never alone and therefore, you have an act of companionship with an animal Pets are natural icebreakers. If you’re taking your pet on a walk, somebody may ask about the animal, sparking up a conversation. Pets can gradually push you to have more social interaction
AREAS SHOWN TO IMPROVE According to studies, physical contact with others have showed it helps peoples’ feelings. So having a cat or dog on your lap to just lay and pet will improve the way you feel Owning a dog can lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, and boost feel good chemicals in the brain, therefore better health. A Chinese woman who owned a dog reported better sleep, fewer sick days, and more exercise.
EXAMPLE Viola is a retired guide dog that is a resident canine at the Children’s Inn. This is a place where families stay when their children are undergoing experimental therapies. Violas job is too greet families as they come downstairs in the morning and as they return from treatment in the afternoon. Dogs like viola have helped launch a new field of medical research over the past three decades.