Simon Taylor MA PhD FRCOphth Clinical Senior Lecturer & Consultant Ophthalmologist
Conjunctiva Cornea Intraocular contents Lids and orbit
SYMPTOMS Pain Watering Redness Photophobia Diplopia Poor vision SIGNS Reduced visual acuity Lid swelling/redness Conjunctival swelling/injection Corneal ulceration Hypopyon Restricted eye movements Relative afferent pupillary defect Fever
Very common Bilateral Redness Grittiness Morning stickiness Normal visual acuity Staph & Streptococcus
HAEMORRHAGIC Enterovirus 70 Highly contagious Self-limiting GONOCOCCAL Hyperacute onset Profuse creamy pus Periocular oedema
Adenovirus Acute onset Bilateral in 60% Watering, redness, discomfort, photophobia Follicular response Very contagious
5-14 days after birth Mainly chlamydial Could be gonococcal Purulent discharge Papillary reaction Sup. corneal pannus Conjunctival scarring
Contact lens wear Bacterial Acanthamoeba Gardening injury or Organic FB Bacterial Fungal
Elderly, diabetic, use of expired eyedrops Use of contact lenses History of foreign body/trauma Ask about cold sores Marginal ulcer
Viral in origin Pain & Watering Photophobia Treat with Oc. Aciclovir
Dendritic ulceration AVOID STEROIDS!
Viridans streptococci
Following any intraocular procedure Cataract surgery Intravitreal injection Pain, eyelid swelling, reduced vision and vitritis are all compelling signs
Lacrimal Sac Abscess Acute or chronic Secondary to blockage of nasolacrimal duct Watering & discharge Red, tense, painful swelling
Systemically unwell Restricted eye movements Optic nerve compromise Colour vision RAPD Distance acuity