MAGAZINESCANADA.CA DRUGS and REMEDIES Magazine readers visit drug stores regularly Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A18+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2) Magazine media readers regularly visit drug stores. They use a wide variety of drug and remedy products. Plus, magazine readers actively take action after seeing drug/remedy ads: 62% take at least one action while 32% take purchase actions. Drugs & Remedies (Index)MagazinesTelevisionRadioNewspapersWeb Allergy/sinus remedies used 1+ times past month Pain relievers for headaches used 1+ times past month Cold remedies used past 6 months Acne products used 6+ times past week Multi-vitamins used past month Vitamins/minerals/ herbal remedies used monthly Smoking cessation products used past year Anti-nausea/motion sickness remedies past 6 months Adhesive bandages used 1+ times past month Wear disposable contact lenses Pre-menstrual/period pain used 1+ times past month Pantiliners used 1+ times past month Yeast infection products used past year Tampons used1+ times per month In-home pregnancy test used past year Children’s pain relievers used past 3 months Bought 6+ suntan/sunscreen products past year Bought self-tanner past year Personally control diet Magazine readers use a wide array of drug & remedy products Source: PMB, Fall 2013: A18+, Heaviest quintiles (1 & 2)
PACKAGED GOODS 62% of Magazines readers take action after seeing a drug/remedy ad Actions Taken* : Drug & Remedies (%) Have a more favourable opinion about the advertiser22% Recommended the product/service12% Visited their website10% Looked for more information about the product/service15% Clipped/saved the ad7% Consider purchasing the product/service29% Purchased the product service12% Visited/joined the company’s social network5% Took picture of QR code/snap tag with cell phone6% Took any action62% Source: StarchMetrix Canada – Drug & Remedies Category, April 2012 to March * Actions based on respondents who noted ads 28% net Impact Actions (% positively impacted by the ad or recommended the product) 27% net Reference Actions (% actively seeking more info about the advertised product) 32% net Purchase Actions (% purchased or considering purchase of the advertised product) DRUGS and REMEDIES Magazine media make the connection with drug & remedy purchasers.