MBMS Health
Healthy Teeth What Harms Teeth? Plaque- soft sticky film created by bacteria Tartar- hard material Gingivitis- gums become red and swollen and bleed easily
Ways to prevent teeth issues Floss once a day Brush at least twice a day Use toothpaste that contains flouride Visit dentist twice a year Eat fruit, veggies and foods high in calcium
Taking Care of your eyes Protect your eyes from eyestrain Protect eyes from injury Protect eyes from conjunctivitis Get regular check ups Wear sunglasses in the sun
Vision Problems Farsightedness- you can see far objects clearly but closer objects appear blurry. Nearsightedness- you can see close objects, but distant objects appear blurry. Astigmatism- the shape of your lens causes a wavy or blurred image. All of these vision problems can be fixed with glasses or contact lens.
Ears help us to hear and to keep our balance. Taking care of our ears: Protect ears from sounds over 90 decibels. Protect ears from the cold. Wear earmuffs to avoid ear infection. Have your hearing checked regularly. Clean ears regularly but use q-tips with caution! Use earplugs if needed when swimming.
Hair Care Washing- gentle shampoo, limit use of hair dryers and irons Brushing- daily! Get a haircut every 4-6 weeks.
Skin Function: Protects your organs Controls temperature of body Shields against water Nerve endings feel temperature, pressure, and pain Shower and bathe daily Get enough sleep Wash face 2 times a day Wear sun block Wear deodorant daily Acne- skin condition caused by overly active oil glands.