Corporate Health and Safety ArcelorMittal RS# 6 Emergencies and Incidents Draft date: Oct 5, 2011 Rev 1
Summary General subjects regarding Emergencies & Incidents Definitions and terms FPA Questions Procedures Incidents Alcohol and Drugs
General subjects regarding Emergencies & Incidents Rail emergencies can include fires, explosions, derailments, leaks, molten metal breakouts: –Calcium carbide –Chlorine gas –Molten steel –Molten iron –Collisions with vehicles carrying fuels, gases, liquids Serious rail incidents are very infrequent but when they occur they are often catastrophic Emergencies can happen on and off the site impacting the workforce and community Impacts from production processes may also occur Recommendations and good examples ! Sites should have rail incidents as an integral element in their Emergency Response Plans
Definitions and terms (1/3 ) Emergency Any situation where assistance is needed to respond to people damage to equipment or a loss in production or process. Derailment A derailment is an accident on a railway in which a rail vehicle, or part or all of a train, leaves the tracks on which it is travelling, with consequent damage and in many cases injury and/or death. Can be caused by poor housekeeping, weather conditions, poor track maintenance, worn train car wheels, damaged switch, going too fast or careless train operation. Poor Housekeeping Frozen Switch
Definitions and terms (2/3 ) Emergency ST 013, 016 and 017 A series of AM global standards regarding emergency response. They are found on the Am intranet site in the H&S home page. Train Control Center The location where train movements and direction is controlled, in larger sites this station is mannned 24/ 7. This is normally the station called in the event of an emergency or incident requiriong asistance. Anomaly Any situation out of the ordinary. This can be a maintenance repair need, a damaged wagon, a bad section of rail, a near miss of a vehicle crossing in front of a train movement etc. Recommendations and good examples ! Do a comprehensive risk assessment for potential rail incidents Implement control measures from the assessment
FPA questions Emergency and rail; L1Q14 Have emergency response plans been written for rail related incidents? See also standard Emergency ST 013, 016 and 017. There must be a procedure which describes the steps to take in case of railway emergency. The safety of employees, contractors, the public and community shall take priority during any emergency or railway safety occurrence. Employees and contractors shall not place themselves at risk of injury when carrying out an investigation, coordination and occurrence site recovery work and should take necessary precautions against: –Unstable rolling stock, infrastructure and other structures –Dangerous goods and fire –Moving machinery including other trains –Overhead traction and other electrical wires –Compressed air –Wreckage including sharp or jagged edges –Blood-borne pathogen exposure –The existence of human and other remains Recommendations and good examples ! Use emergency procedure to train personnel
FPA questions Emergency and rail; L1Q14 Have emergency response plans been written for rail related incidents? Train crew, if a train is involved; –Advise the Track & Train Control Center –Advise the Train Management/ Supervisor –Advise emergency services if required –Ensure the safety and security of the train in accordance with safeworking procedures Recommendations and good examples ! Have drills Be prepared
FPA questions Emergency and rail; L1Q14 Have emergency response plans been written for rail related incidents? –Provide a warning and ensure the safety of other trains in accordance with safeworking procedures if required –Determine access requirements to the occurrence site –Maintain communications with the Train Control Centre –Maintain communications with the Train Management –Make sure that emergency services, the Train Control Centre and the Train Management Officer have been advised of dangerous goods –If necessary to evacuate, and safe to do so, the train crew shall take the Dangerous Goods documentation with them in order it is available to the emergencies services –Warn others of any dangers present –Assist those in danger to move to a place of safety
FPA questions Emergency and rail; L1Q15 Have formal communications been done to all employees on the emergency procedures and have those been addressed to include employees, contractors and visitors? Employees and Contractors; –Advise the Train Control Center –Advise the Train Management –Warn others of any dangers present –Advise emergency services if required –Assist those in danger to move to a place of safety –Assist other employees and contractors when required. Recommendations and good examples ! Have good training and awareness Include education of workforce and community Involvement with local emergency services
FPA questions Anomalies and incidents reporting; L2Q9 and L3Q4 Is there a formalized system for anomalies reporting? Every anomaly must be reported in an system. If there is a safety device not working properly, quick and direct action should be taken to avoid any possible accident. Employees must not operate equipment that is unsafe and must be required to remove equipment from service, to be repaired or replaced. Only qualified personnel are to move unsafe equipment. All inputs like; incidents, accidents, audits, inspections and other reports must be analyzed and treated efficiently (corrective and preventive actions). Recommendations and good examples ! Have good inspection programs Report all near misses no matter how small, something small could result in something major happening Actively participate in audit process, the life you save may be your own
FPA questions – Emergency drills L4 – Q2 Are yearly emergency drills conducted to test Rail Emergency Response Plans? Recommendations and good examples ! Choose most likely and most severe scenarios for best preparedness. Involve external services (fire brigades, mobile crane services, …) in the exercise. Add typical risks of steel making processes to the exercise (e.g. CO-gas area, hot liquid slag or metal, heavy products (e.g. slabs, blooms, coils) carbide, hazardous liquids etc.
FPA questions – Emergency drills L4 – Q3 Are the lessons learnt from the emergency drills included in corrective action plans and the deviations communicated to all people involved? Recommendations and good examples ! Make it as realistic as possible and include the whole external und internal requirements (e.g. crisis management, alerts to be given, …) Debriefing after exercise with a viewing from different angles: What went good? What can be done better? Follow-up of corrective action plans! Focus especially on weaknesses of previous exercise during next exercise.
Alcohol or Intoxicants are prohibited! Use or possession of alcohol or intoxicants is prohibited on AM property. Other items are prohibited that at a minimum include: –Use of medications that adversely affect alertness, coordination, reaction, response, or safety –Possession or use of illegal substances All workers must be fit an able to do their job All workers should be medically fit Horseplay is prohibited!
The best antidote against emergencies is PREVENTION > Let’s all exercise the utmost caution to plan prevention into the safety process to avoid emergencies. > Let’s also be well prepared in the unlikely event our prevention actions fail, so no harm will come to our people, equipment or processes. Thank you!