FY2012 Allocations (TTAM) IRRPCC (TTPCC) October 30, 2012
Allocation of funds in FY2012 Concern of tribes in the allocation of FY2012 funding in the 4 th Quarter Funding, Obligation Limitation and Rescission not known until 4 th Quarter Initial distribution based on pro rata share based on FY2011 % until the above data was known Many tribes received less funding when the final FY2012 data was determined (after MAP-21 passed)
Control Panel Comparison FY2011 FY2012 Take-downs/ReductionsTotal Funding Amounts$450,000,000 Less rescission ( %)($29,894,670) Subtotal$420,105,330 Less Lake Tahoe funding (0.5% )($2,100,527) Subtotal$418,004,803 Less obligation limitation (5.2% )($21,736,250) Subtotal$396,268,554 Less 2% TTP set-aside($7,925,371) Less Bridge Inspection($520,000) Less BIA PM&O*($27,000,000) Less FLHP (Inventory, Nat'l S&O, & Safety)($400,000) Available$360,423,183 Available for RNDF (31E)$314,369,109 Available for IRRHPP (E3H)$28,533,502 Available for PAF (distributed as additional 31E)$17,520,571 Available for 2% TTP (36E)$7,925,371 Take-downs/ReductionsTotal Funding Amounts$450,000,000 Less rescission$0 Subtotal$450,000,000 Less Lake Tahoe funding (0.5%)($2,250,000) Subtotal$447,750,000 Less obligation limitation (7.4% )($33,133,500) Subtotal$414,616,500 Less 2% TTP set-aside ( 2%)($8,292,330) Less Bridge Inspection($520,000) Less BIA PM&O*($27,000,000) Less FLHP (Inventory, Travel, Nat'l S&O, & Safety)($2,300,000) Available$376,504,170 Available for RNDF (31E)$328,395,304 Available for IRRHPP (E3H)$29,806,580 Available for PAF (distributed as additional 31E)$18,302,286 Available for 2% TTP (36E)$8,292,330
Overview of FY2012 IRR TTAM An individual Tribes funding in the formula can most generally be increased by either an increase in the cost to construct data, an increase in the miles of roads, or a combination of both. The available funds: – FY2011:$328.4 M – FY2012:$314.4 M – $14,000,000 more funds available in FY2011 – If every tribes data were to remain constant, they would all decrease in FY2012 Number of tribes (inventory locations: 572) that received less in FY2012 than in FY2011: – 485 Tribes – 85% of all tribes received less in FY2012 than FY2011 Less money in FY2012
Overview of FY2012 IRR TTAM (cont.) Number of tribes that increase the miles in their inventory by more than 10%: – 66 Tribes (12%) 39 of the 66 Tribes received a funding increase (7% of the total tribes) – Less than 20 tribes increased their inventory by less than 10%, but received a formula increase. (< $5,000 increase) Number of tribes that updated or significantly increased (> 50%) their Cost to Construct – 67 Tribes (12%) – 12% of all tribes updated or significantly increased their Cost to Construct – Of the 67 Tribes, 49 increased their funding. (8.5% of all tribes) – Less than 20 tribes had an increase of their Cost to Construct or did not update their Cost to Construct tables but received a formula increase. (< $5,000 increase)
FY2011 vs FY2012 POP FY11 P0P FY12
Summary Larger reductions Less funding Less allocation to tribal shares Little changes in CTC and VMT