PROPOSED BUDGET FOR Year-end expenditures have been estimated based on current knowledge. The proposed 2013/14 Budget is based on current law. While we anticipate the Local Control Funding Formula being new law in 2013/14 at this point in time it is extremely vague and has therefore not been used for our estimates. COLA projections and Deficits are based on the School Service Dart Board for the May Revision. Adjustments will be made after the State Budget is adopted. 2
3 GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS USED IN THIS BUDGET Based on the 2013/14 May Revise State Budget current law formulasBased on the 2013/14 May Revise State Budget current law formulas School Services of California has advised budgeting a COLA of 1.565% for revenue limit funding. The projected deficit decreases to %.School Services of California has advised budgeting a COLA of 1.565% for revenue limit funding. The projected deficit decreases to %. All state categorical funding has been projected at 2012/13 levels with a 1.565% COLA applied. This includes all Tier III Categorical programs.All state categorical funding has been projected at 2012/13 levels with a 1.565% COLA applied. This includes all Tier III Categorical programs. 2014/15 and 2015/16 projections are based on the latest School Services of California Dartboard.2014/15 and 2015/16 projections are based on the latest School Services of California Dartboard.
4 Craft Budget Plans that do not rely on carryover funds. Budget for no salary increases (other than Step and Column). Budget for a 10% increase in Health and Welfare Costs. For areas affected by State Budget reductions, reduce expenditures to conform to new lowered revenues. DIRECTION PROVIDED TO DEPARTMENTS:
5 - General Fund Revenues remain relatively flat, increasing from $42.7 million to $43.3 million. - General Fund Expenditures have been adjusted for the reduction of one time spending, decreasing from $47.3 million to $44.7 million. This is due in large to one time expenditures in the prior year. RESULT:
6 ADA IMPACTS - Court/Community Schools - Court/Community Schools ADA is projected at 2011/12 levels through the 2015/16 fiscal year. - Special Education ADA is projected at 2012/13 levels through the 2015/16 fiscal year. -County-Wide ADA is projected at 2012/13 levels through the 2015/16 fiscal year. - ROP ROP ADA is no longer collected by the state for funding purposes.
2012/13 ESTIMATED ACTUALS UnrestrictedRestrictedTotal Beginning Balance $13,628,773$5,260,515$18,889,288 Revenues & Transfers In $18,006,910$24,729,725$42,736,635 Expenditures & Transfers Out $22,774,959$24,535,008$47,309,967 Increase (Decrease) ($4,768,049)$194,717($4,573,332) Assigned Ending Balance $8,860,724$5,455,232$14,315,956 Unassigned Ending Balance $0
14 MYP ASSUMPTIONS - REVENUES Budgeted COLA on state revenues at 1.8% for 2014/15 and 2.2% for 2015/16. Deficit remains at %. The ADA Revenue Limit is projected to remain flat through 2015/16. Federal funding is projected at 2013/14 levels through 2015/16. These projections include the Federal Sequestration at 5.2%. Local revenues are projected at 2013/14 levels through 2015/16.
15 MYP ASSUMPTIONS - EXPENDITURES Salary and benefit costs are expected to increase each year due to step and column. Health & welfare costs are projected to increase 10% in both 2014/15 and 2015/16. Completed one time expenditure for have been removed for through 2015/16. Supply, material and equipment budgets have been adjusted to reflect changes projected for increases and decreases in Federal and State Funding.
GENERAL FUND THREE YEAR SUMMARY 2013/142014/152015/16 BeginningBalance$14,315,956$12,876,313$11,399,946 Revenues &Revenues & Transfers InTransfers In$43,325,256$43,711,245$44,419,193 Expenditures &Expenditures & Transfers OutTransfers Out$44,764,899$45,187,613$45,786,729 Increase (Decrease)Increase (Decrease)($1,439,643)($1,476,368)($1,367,536) Nonspendable Fund BalanceFund Balance$719,481$719,481$719,481 Restricted $5,379,015$5,199,244$4,971,553 Assigned $6,777,817$5,481,221$4,341,375
17 Support for Districts & Students: The Santa Cruz County Office has utilized a combination of on-going and one-time resources to fund a number of activities aimed at supporting both districts and students. These include: Digital Schools Implementation Technology Math and Arts Coordinator SELPA administration and staff Tutorial and homework support in libraries Address attendance and truancy (SARB)
18 Support for Districts & Students - continued College feasibility study for S4C Gang suppression and prevention through BASTA Addressing the achievement gap through unique ELL strategies and support Mentorship and career panels for all secondary schools through Your Future is Our Business Outdoor Education Program Expanded career opportunities in local high school’s (ROP) Increased support to districts participating in the New Teacher Project
19 Support for Districts & Students - continued Professional Development for District Business Personnel AB430 Principal Training Summer School Credit Recovery for nearly 1000 students Tutorial and homework support in the homeless shelters
20 RECOMMENDATION Our recommendation to the Board is to adopt the 2013/14 proposed Budget.