- a process where one or more substances (elements) rearrange themselves to form a new substance.
What part of atoms are affected? In a chemical reaction the electrons are affected by forming and breaking chemical bonds. What is happening during a chemical Rx? 1. Reactants react to form products. reactants - the materials that are their before the reaction products - the substances that are formed from the reaction 2. Substances that are formed from the reaction fitch.wikispaces.com/Chemical+Reaction+Primer
Bubbling Increase or decrease in temperature Light Change in Color Energy Produced Gas Formed Formation of Precipitate (precipitate - a liquid added to a liquid, forming a solid which is the precipitate) s.htm&usg=__3hHoM5XfiXPEqQ9kJMC8UktYZoc=&h=288&w=364&sz=17&hl=en&start=16&um=1&tbnid=AgaL_6Rr0U793M:&tbnh=96&tbnw=121&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dche mical%2Bdecomposition%2Breaction%26gbv%3D2%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den
The Law of Conservation of Mass – “The principle that in any closed system subjected to no external forces, the mass is constant irrespective of its changes in form; the principle that matter cannot be created or destroyed.” In other words matter can be rearranged but not destroyed or created.
Chemical reactions are changes that result in one or more new substances. These changes always have a change in energy. This means that when a chemical reaction occurs energy is either given off or taken in. Energy reactions can be described as endothermic and exothermic reactions.
Exothermic - a chemical reaction that releases heat Releases energy in the form of heat, light and electricity EX- Rusting Iron 8/7.JPG examples.shtml Endothermic – a chemical reaction that absorbs heat Gains energy in the form of heat Need heat to be performed EX - Cooking an egg Endothermic reaction of barium hydroxide and ammonium salt
Potential Energy – energy that is stored and can be transformed into other forms of energy such as heat, light, electricity and sound
Energy that is needed to initiate the reaction
Synthesis Decomposition Combustion Single Replacement Double Replacement
When two or more substances combine to form a more intricate compound. The opposite of Decomposition Basic formula - A +B AB Example - Hydrogen Gas + Oxygen Gas = Water Formula -
The process of burning – the production of heat and light It is an exothermic reaction Example - CH 4 + 2O N 2 → CO 2 + 2H 2 O N 2 + heat The flames are caused from the fuel that is going through combustion (burning).
A single, uncombined element replaces another element in a compound Basic Formula - A+BC AC+B Example – When Zinc combines with Hydrochloric Acid, the Hydrogen is replaced by Zinc. Formula Visual Single Replacement
A compound that is broken up into two different products. (two at the least) The opposite of Synthesis Basic Formula - AB A + B Example - Water broken down into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas Formula –
Two compounds swap places in order to form two new compounds Basic Formula – AB + CD AD + CB Example – When Silver Nitrate combines with Sodium Chloride, Silver Chloride and Sodium Nitrate are formed because the Silver and Sodium swap places. Formula – Visual Double Replacement
Chemical Reaction Definition – Chemical Reaction Basics – Signs of a Chemical Reaction – The Law of Conservation of Mass – Chemical Potential Energy – Endo and Exothermic Reactions –
Activation Energy – Synthesis Reaction – Combustion Reaction – Single Replacement Reaction – Decomposition Reaction- Double Replacement Reaction –