GERMANY’S UNRESTRICTED NAVAL WARFARE Germany began using “unrestricted naval warfare” They said they would attack any ship America would not like this because _________?
UNRESTRICTED NAVAL WARFARE Germany began sinking ships, including ones that had American passengers on board The most famous was the Lusitania (1915) British ship (unarmed but carrying munitions) They were warned to stay away – didn’t listen 1,198 people died 128 were American
UNRESTRICTED NAVAL WARFARE U.S. and Germany signed the Sussex Pledge in 1916 to stop unrestricted naval warfare In 1917 Germany threatened to start up again this helps turn the tide for the U.S. to enter the war
ZIMMERMANN NOTE German foreign minister sent a telegram to the German ambassador in Mexico The British intercepted the note – showed it to the U.S. Suggested an alliance between Germany and Mexico If war broke out with the U.S. Germany would support Mexico and help them regain territories in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico
AMERICA ENTERS THE WAR President Wilson asked Congress for war on April 2, 1917 Congress voted in support for war against Germany on April 4, 1917 U.S. declared war on Austria-Hungary on December 7, 1917 America was slow in moving their troops to Europe didn’t make much of a difference until 1918
GERMANS TURN THEIR ATTENTION TO THE WEST With the removal of Russian from the war (1918) Germany turned their full attention to the west French army was in fully mutiny The Austrians with Germany support defeated the Italians Central Powers were only checked with the arrival of U.S. support
GERMANY’S LAST OFFENSIVE March 1918 Germany gambled everything on a last offensive This was Germany’s attempt to end WWI Was actually successful at first but the supply lines could not keep up with the troops and it began to disintegrate U.S. troops kept arriving and supporting the British – Germany’s worst scenario Between March – July 1918 Germany lost over 1,000,000 men
THE ARMISTICE November 11, 1918 the Germans agreed to an armistice November 9 Kaiser William II abdicated Government was replaced by the majority branch, the Social Democratic Party Germany was now a republic (soon known as the German Republic or the Weimar Republic) The German people were largely unaware of what was happening at the end of the war and believed they had been tricked into peace
EFFECTS OF WWI European population decimated “The Lost Generation” 9.4 million soldiers died 15.3 million wounded Millions of civilians died German, Austro-Hungarian Empire, Russian, and Turkish empires were gone Disappointment, resentment, economic disaster led the way for: cynicism, nihilism, dictatorship, fascism, statism, racism, and class warfare
TREATY OF VERSAILLES U.S. = President Woodrow Wilson Britain = David Lloyd George France = Georges Clemenceau Italy = Vittorio Emanuele Orlando The “Big Four” Met at Versailles Germany and Russia are excluded
THE TREATY OF VERSAILLES Main Aspects: Demilitarized Germany 100,000 men 6 battleships, no submarines No air force Land was handed over, lost overseas colonies Germany forbidden to unite with Austria Pay reparations Accept the “War-Guilt” Clause League of Nations Five separate treaties in all