Midyear Budget Report & Preliminary Budget Outlook March 13, 2013
Net County Cost ($ in Millions) 2
General Purpose Revenue ($ in Millions) 3
Issues Identified Sales Taxes 4 Midyear receipts continue to improve General Purpose Revenue receipts at $13.6M $1.4M over budget & $716K better than 1 st quarter Prop 172 Public Safety – ½ cent Statewide Allocation based on local collections receipts at $40.0M $2.4M over budget & $1.3M better than 1 st quarter Realignment – Social Services Allocation based on State formula receipts at $29.8M $2.5M over budget & $245K better than 1 st quarter
Issues Identified Sales Taxes ($ in Millions) 5 $104.5 $74.0 $83.4
Issues Identified SJGH 6 Inpatient census 2.1% below target Medical Guarded Unit census at 14 by March Net operating loss thru Dec 2011 = $700K $3 million better than budgeted
Issues Identified Human Services Agency 7 Overall program expenses $28.2M below budget $2.9M NCC savings Primarily due to State policy/programming changes CalWORKs – ($8.7M) Foster Care – ($5.5M) Administration – ($13.8M)
Reserve for Contingencies 8 Reserve Level$13,795,071 Plus: Excess year-end GF Balance+2,971,018 Adjusted Reserve Level$16,766,089 Less: LEMA/SDSA Lawsuit-1,808,222 Reserve Balance$14,957,867
Staffing Changes
Organizational Downsizing 10 Board proactive actions to minimize service impacts & employee layoffs Feb 2008 – reinstated Admin Hiring Nov 2008 – implemented Hiring Freeze 14.2% smaller workforce compared to FY07-08 Net reduction of 883 positions Overwhelming majority were vacant positions Unable to avoid layoff entirely
Status of Laid Off Employees Nov 2008 to Jan Positions Deleted: 883 Layoff Notices Issued: 433 Rescinded: 63
Vacant Positions As of Jan 31, 463 positions or 8.6% vacancy rate SJGH Health Care Services Human Services Agency Public Works Replace Hiring Freeze with Hiring Control Broaden recruitment to include non-County employees
Preliminary Budget Outlook
One-Time Solutions to Recap ($ in Millions) 14
Preliminary Budget Outlook Major Revenue Changes – General Fund 15 Increase/ (Decrease) One-time transfers/use of fund balances$(24.2) M 2% decline in property taxes(2.9) M Decrease in interest & penalties(0.8) M Growth in sales tax General Purpose2.1 M Prop 172 public safety5.3 M Realignment social services4.5 M Net Revenue Changes$(16.2) M
Preliminary Budget Outlook GPR ($ in Millions) 16 $279.2 $400.7 $261.1
Preliminary Budget Outlook Changes in Labor Costs 17 Increase/ (Decrease) MOUs/Resolution$(15.1) M Negotiated increases3.2 M Retirement contribution3.2 M Employee health premiums4.1 M Net Labor Cost Changes$(4.6) M
Preliminary Budget Outlook Budget Planning/Approach 18 General Fund NCC shortfall = $14M to $16M Budget planning Departments to develop “status quo” budget Suspend policy limiting use of General Fund balance Negotiations concession savings Health plan redesign reduce rate increase Mid-term budget forecast
Recommended Actions 19 1.Receive & file Midyear Budget Report 2.Effective immediately, discontinue the Administrative Hiring Freeze and replace it with Administrative Hiring Control