Office of Institutional Research IPEDS WORKSHOP THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2013
EVERYTHING YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT TARLETON (AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER UNIVERSITIES!) BUT DIDN’T KNOW WHERE TO FIND!! Tarleton State University Office of Institutional Research Michael Haynes, PhD Executive Director
BY ATTENDING THIS WORKSHOP, YOU WILL RECEIVE INFORMATION ON: What IPEDS is What are the IPEDS components, when are they due, and who inputs Tarleton’s data How to look up an individual institution in IPEDS Variables that are available in IPEDS How to build an institutional report
WHAT IS THE INTEGRATED POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION DATABASE SYSTEM (IPEDS)? Data collected under the auspice of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) IPEDS surveys are completed by all colleges, universities, technical institutes that participate in Title IV financial aid programs The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, requires Title IV institutions to report on enrollments, completions/graduations, faculty/staff, finances, and cost of attendance Source: Integrated Postsecondary Education Database System,
WHEN ARE IPEDS SUBMISSIONS DUE AND WHO DOES WHAT?? October 15, 2013 submission: Jamie Wood, Institutional Research – Institutional Characteristics - Fall 2012 Data Instruction offered by institution, governance, control/affiliation, etc. – 12 month enrollment – July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Unduplicated count by race/ethnicity/gender, credit hour activity, FTE student enrollment, etc. – Completions – July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 Bachelor’s degrees by CIP code/race/gender, total degrees awarded
WHEN ARE IPEDS SUBMISSIONS DUE AND WHO DOES WHAT?? February 12, 2014 submission: Kathy Purvis, Student Financial Assistance Services – Financial Aid - Fall 2012 Number of FTIC students receiving grants/scholarships/loans, net price of college Jamie Wood, Institutional Research – Completions – July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 – Graduation Rates – 2007 cohort
WHEN ARE IPEDS SUBMISSIONS DUE AND WHO DOES WHAT?? April 9, 2014 submission: Jamie Wood, Institutional Research – Fall 2012 Enrollment FTIC/transfer/continuing degree seeking students, non-degree seeking students, part-time students – Reporting Period – July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013 Lori Beaty, Business Services – Finance– fiscal year ending October 1, 2013 Assets, liabilities, long-term debt, infrastructure, etc. Wendy Haynes, Employee Services – Human Resources – current reporting year (2013 academic year) Number of faculty/tenured/on-tenure track/non-tenure track, staff/executive/technical/clerical, faculty rank by 9 & 12 month contract, etc.
Then, click on: Data & Tools; then Peer Comparison Tools
Then select IPEDS Data Center
Select Look Up An Institution
You have the option of three data sources: Use provisional release data Use final release data Preliminary release data
PROVISIONAL RELEASE DATA: Provisional release data are the data that were reported to NCES in the original data collection and underwent all NCES data quality control procedures, including imputation. Institutions may have updated these data in the subsequent data collection year, however updates are not reflected in these data. FINAL RELEASE DATA: Final release data include revisions to the provisional release data that have been made by institutions during the subsequent data collection year. The final release data can be used when the most up to date data are required; however, these data may not match tables from the First Look reports based on preliminary and provisional data. PRELIMINARY RELEASE DATA: Preliminary release data have been edited but are subject to further NCES quality control procedures. Imputed data for non-responding institutions are not included. These data are used for First Look (Preliminary Data) publications. Years in parentheses indicate the most recent data year available.
In “Institution Name”, type the college/university in which you are interested
You are now ready to select your variables of interest….but just what are your choices??
Do any of these categories look familiar?
OK, let’s build a report……but before we do, some key points, or what I like to call…”IR lessons learned the hard way!” Know what you are looking and asking for! Know how the database you are using defines variables! Know the timeframe of the data When presenting your report, ALWAYS cite your source of data…and include definitions if needed!!