Nutrition and Fitness 4th and 5th Period September 26, 2013 Early Work: What is cross contamination? Schedule Finish Food Safety Chapter (Food for Today Textbook) Food Safety Notes Target: Understand how to prevent Food Borne Illness Survey the class to see how much time they need for the chapter work Go over Food Safety Notes and give examples whenever possible. Allow students to participate in discussion.
Food Safety Chapter Chapter 20 Food Safety & Storage Read Chapter Aloud Give Examples and Discuss Answer Questions at back of chapter Books are located above Kitchen 1
Note Taking Expectations Two Column Notes Take notes as required for participation points No talking out of turn and try to stay on topic Practice listening skills No passes unless emergency Stay in seats as much as possible (emergency) Keep all notes for open note final and cookbook requirements Use two column notes if they understand how to use them. Other methods are acceptable for this lesson only.
Food Safety and Sanitation 3 things needed for bacterial growth Food (Protein) Moisture Temperature (40 to 140)
Cross contamination Methods to avoid cross contamination When bacteria from raw, contaminated food is transferred to a cooked or pure food. Methods to avoid cross contamination Do not use the same utensils unless they are washed. Do not mix foods with hands, unless they were washed properly Use tasting spoon only once. Do not use wooden cutting boards- wood cutting boards are more likely to retain bacteria than plastic cutting boards, even after a thorough cleaning, Bacteria can be absorbed into the pores of wooden cutting boards.
Important Reminders Do not use hand towel for dishes Sanitize your cutting boards after each use Practice smart hand washing
Danger zone Practice temperature control 40-140 degrees- germs grow most rapidly Below 40 degrees stops, or slows bacterial growth Above 140 degrees kills bacteria Limit time in danger zone under 2 hours
After shopping quickly freeze and refrigerate all ground meat and other perishable foods. Never thaw food on the counter or let it sit out of the fridge for more than 2 hours when defrosted. Cook hamburgers all the way through. Juices Run Clear Check internal/core temperature is above 140 (155-165) You can’t tell by looking at color alone. Does not always indicate doneness.
Hand washing Turn on water (use hot water) Roll down paper towels Run hands under hot water Use soap (antibacterial) Scrub for at least 20 seconds Rinse Dry hands towel to turn off water
Hand washing Activity Everyone practice washing hands in kitchens