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SB 1626 Role and Responsibility After July 1, 2000 All security guards or school security officers employed by a school district more than 20 hours per week must complete SB 1626 training (Business and Professions Code § (a & b) & § ). The bill requires completion of a training course developed by BSIS in consultation with the Commission on Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST). The developed curriculum consists of a 24 hour training course. It is the responsibility of LEA's to assure that its "school security officer" employees as defined by Education Code Section (c) receive the training.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Prevent, Observe and Report Prevent: What are you preventing? Observe: What are you to observe? Report: What are you to report? Who do you report your observation to?
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Relationship to Law Enforcement Apprehension vs. Prevention
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility California Constitution, Article 1, Section 28(c) Right to Safe Schools. All students and staff of public primary, elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, and community colleges, colleges, and universities have the inalienable right to attend campuses which are safe, secure and peaceful. Legal Authority P.C The following persons are peace officers whose authority extends to any place in the state for the purpose of performing their primary duty or when making an arrest pursuant to Section 836 as to any public offense with respect to which there is immediate danger to person or property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of that offense, or pursuant to Section 8597 or 8598 of the Government Code. Those peace officers may carry firearms only if authorized and under terms and conditions specified by their employing agency. (a) Members of a California Community College police department appointed pursuant to Section of the Education Code, if the primary duty of the police officer is the enforcement of the law as prescribed in Section of the Education Code. (b) Persons employed as members of a police department of a school district pursuant to Section of the Education Code, if the primary duty of the police officer is the enforcement of the law as prescribed in Section of the Education Code.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Legal Authority P.C The following persons are peace officers whose authority extends to any place in the state for the purpose of performing their primary duty or when making an arrest pursuant to Section 836 as to any public offense with respect to which there is immediate danger to person or property, or of the escape of the perpetrator of that offense, or pursuant to Section 8597 or 8598 of the Government Code. Those peace officers may carry firearms only if authorized and under terms and conditions specified by their employing agency. (a) Members of a California Community College police department appointed pursuant to Section of the Education Code, if the primary duty of the police officer is the enforcement of the law as prescribed in Section of the Education Code. (b) Persons employed as members of a police department of a school district pursuant to Section of the Education Code, if the primary duty of the police officer is the enforcement of the law as prescribed in Section of the Education Code.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility E.C (a) The governing board of a school district may establish a security department under the supervision of a chief of security as designated by, and under the direction of, the superintendent of the school district. In accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 45100) of Part 25, the governing board of a school district may employ personnel to ensure the safety of school district personnel and pupils and the security of the real and personal property of the school district. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section that a school district security department is supplementary to city and county law enforcement agencies and is not vested with general police powers. (b) The governing board of a school district may establish a school police department under the supervision of a school chief of police and, in accordance with Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 45100) of Part 25, may employ peace officers, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section of the Penal Code, to ensure the safety of school district personnel and pupils, and the security of the real and personal property of the school district.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility E.C (a) The governing board of a community college district may establish a community college police department under the supervision of a community college chief of police and, in accordance with Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 88000) of Part 51, may employ personnel as necessary to enforce the law on or near the campus of the community college and on or near other grounds or properties owned, operated, controlled, or administered by the community college or by the state acting on behalf of the community college. Each campus of a multicampus community college district may designate a chief of police.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Jurisdictional Limits On and Off Campus Local Policies and Procedures
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Responsibility In The Learning Environment The Student Is Your #1 Client Support The Learning Environment
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Mandatory Plans Safe School Plans: E.C (a) It is the intent of the Legislature that all public schools with any combination of instructional settings from kindergarten to grade 7, inclusive, have access to supplemental resources to establish programs and strategies that promote school safety and emphasize violence prevention among children and youth in the public schools. Address safety concerns, develop strategies aimed at the prevention of crime and violence on campus
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Crime Reporting E.C (a) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (6), the governing board of each community college district, the Trustees of the California State University, the Board of Directors of the Hastings College of the Law, the Regents of the University of California, and the governing board of any postsecondary educational institution receiving public funds for student financial assistance shall do all of the following: (1) Require the appropriate officials at each campus within their respective jurisdictions to compile records of both of the following: (A) All occurrences reported to campus police, campus security personnel, or campus safety authorities of, and arrests for, crimes that are committed on campus and that involve violence, hate violence, theft, destruction of property, illegal drugs, or alcohol intoxication. (B) All occurrences of noncriminal acts of hate violence reported to, and for which a written report is prepared by, designated campus authorities.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Kristin Smart Safety Act Kristin Denise Smart (born February 20, 1977, legally presumed dead May 25, 2002) is an American missing person. She disappeared on May 25, 1996 while attending California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Three fellow- students had escorted her back to her hall of residence after a party. One of them, Paul Flores, was the last person known to have seen her alive, and he claims that he left her to return to her dorm alone. When a police-dog located evidence of human remains close to the Flores family home, the Sheriff’s office refused to issue a search warrant, and a local newspaper raised suspicions of a cover-up. Smart is still on file as a high priority missing person.missing personCalifornia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Smart's disappearance and slow response by the California Polytechnic State University Police Department resulted in the Kristin Smart Campus Security Act being written and signed into effect by then Governor of California Pete Wilson on August 19, The law took effect on January 1, 1999 and requires all public colleges, and other publicly funded educational institutions to have their security services have agreements with local police departments about reporting cases involving or possibly involving violence against students, including missing students.California Polytechnic State UniversityGovernor of CaliforniaPete Wilsonpublic colleges
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility School Safety Plan E.C (a) The Legislature reaffirms that campus law enforcement agencies have the primary authority for providing police or security services, including the investigation of criminal activity, to their campuses.
SB 1626 Role and Responsibility Positive Contact/Role Model Mentoring to Students Ethical Behavior On Duty Off Duty Sensitivity To Campus Issues Students Staff