UN/CEFACT Forum, Bonn Germany 2004 Closing Plenary 12 th March 2004 UN/CEFACT U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 UN/CEFACT Forum Closing Plenary Agenda Welcome New Proposals Future Venues Group Reports TBG ICG ATG TMG
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Definition of common vocabulary used in business operations Definition of common processes (e.g. CBP Library, Collaboration Patterns) Specialization of processes for a specific purpose Specialization of processes for a specific partnership (e.g. CPA) Domain of this project CEFACT FORUM COORDINATION Team Report - 1 New Proposal Approved UMM Profile of UML Artifact TMG Lead New Project Proposals
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 America McLean Virginia13 – 17 Sept 2004 – Hosted by DISA Location TBDMarch 2005 CEFACT FORUM Future Venues
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 General Information All of the MAY Plenary Documents are available on the UN/Website CSG OVERVIEWTRADE/CEFACT/2004/36 CSG REORGANIZATIONTRADE/CEFACT/2004/27 IPRTRADE/CEFACT/2003/6/Rev.1 SSPTRADE/CEFACT/2004/26 Mandates/ Terms of ReferenceTRADE/CEFACT/R.650/Rev.3 Reminder: Elections in September A moment to reflect
Now a word of appreciation: ….. Hosted by: EBES
U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT Chair: Mike Conroy Vice Chair: David Dobbing ICG Information Content Management Group
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 UN Recommendations 1.Review of UN Recommendations under modification a.Rec. 24 – Trade and Transport Status Codes b.Rec. 20 – Units of Measure c.Others ICG approved ODP public review Outstanding work item ODP within next 3 months No changes submitted to review
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Workflow & Administration 2.Approval of the Group workflow procedures 3.ICG website 4.Review of Work Programme. We APPROVED THEM! Its an urgent action item Time is going by and we’ve got lots to do!
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Workflow documentation Business Requirements Specification – BRS Objectives Scope – use case Business requirements – use cases, activity diagrams Conceptual model – class diagram Business constraints – dependency tables Requirements Specification Mapping – RSM Conceptual model – class diagram Canonical model – class diagram BBIEs with constraints ABIEs associated with ACCs Associated documentation TBG BRS RSM Technology solution Business Requirements ICGATG
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 BRS 5.Review of the Business Requirements Specification (BRS) comments BRS submitted to ATG and TBG for review & approval Presented workflow (BRS/RSM ) to e-cert project team Development of e-cert BRS with ICG support E-cert project will be treated for workflow (BRS/RSM ) proof of concept
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 RSM 6.Requirements Specification Mapping (RSM) a.Finalise initial draft with other groups b.Evaluate the INSTAT example to verify RSM document content First Draft ready for publication!! Submitted project request for development of UMM profile for UML TMG to lead project. ICG will provide initial contribution ICG will provide an interim profile for class diagrams Developed canonical model for INSTAT message
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Other items 7.Development of the ICG repository strategy 8.Review of the UN Code List migration plan More time, more people Examined registry specification. Planned study in detail before Washington
ATG Applied Technologies Group Chair: Margaret Pemberton Vice Chair: Anders Grangård U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UN/CEFACT
Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG Resolution ATG resolves that the UN/CEFACT registry should fully support the latest version of the ebXML registry specifications, which includes the storage of CCTS defined artefacts.
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG Projects Standard Business Document Header « Standard Business Document Header' will enable integration between internal applications, enterprise applications, and business-to-business infrastructure by acting as a consistent interface between applications. » o ATG Approval o Implementation Verification started [ODP Step 6]
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG1 (UN/EDIFACT) Projects Anders Grangård UML to UN/EDIFACT Transformation Rules « to enable ebXML Core Components compliant UN/EDIFACT constructs to be created based on UMM compliant models » o 1 st working draft this week [ODP Step 3] o ATG review end of April [ODP Step 4] o Public review May [ODP Step 5]
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG1 (UN/EDIFACT) Projects Anders Grangård UN/EDIFACT Data Maintenance Requests for D.04A o 64 DMR’s Approved15 JT’d25 Postponed8 Rejected16
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG2 (XML) Projects Mark Crawford XML Naming and Design Rules « Rules and guidelines for the application of this important technology as part of UN/CEFACT’s strategy for next- generation cross-functional business messages » o Worked hard and long on the XML Naming and design rules o Internal review planned for April o Public Review planned for May / June o Implementation / Verification planned for September meeting in Washington
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG2 (XML) Projects (cont) Mark Crawford Review of requirements for other ATG2 projects to be performed in June Begin to formalise the schema production process and further identify additional information dependencies from TBG and ICG Open invitation to weekly conference calls o Every Monday UTC 12:30
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 ATG – Next Meeting Walldorf, Germany June th 2004 Hosted by SAP ALL WELCOME
UN/CEFACT TBG International Trade Facilitation and Business Process Group Chair : Ralph Berwanger Vice-Chair(s) : Sue Probert, Mike Doran TBG Report - SEOUL September 15 – 19, 2003
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Achievements of the Week 13 Groups – 90 Participants 4 new Projects Approved, 2 new Project co-operations arranged Presentations of the week TBG 6 - Open Forum on current projects TBG 14 - CBPC Catalog Specification TBG 17 - Harmonization Session Forum Operating Procedures – TBG, ATG, ICG Future Organisational Structure Submission to Plenary e-Cert project meeting TBG17 – Core Component Library Milestone
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Projects Update 4 new Projects Approved Invoice Process project Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Trade Facilitation and TF Security Models 2 new Project co-operations arranged between TBG6 and TBG1 e-Catalog Project e-Tendering Project
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 TBG3 – Transport - Resolutions Resolution 1 – UNeDocs Project TBG3, recognising the need to take into account the Transport inputs in the UNeDocs deliverables, resolves to seek coordination with the UNeDocs project team at UN level and hence request to review their data model, semantic content and messages related to Transport. Any resultant changes will be submitted to ensure consistency with the TBG3 ebXML work Resolution 2 – Geolocation ISO / TC211 and TC204 TBG3 resolves to endorse the proposal from ISO/TC211 for expressing geographical coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude…) in relation to the ISO 6709 standard update, and to consider this input in its modelling and ITIGG implementation guidelines. TBG3 will also continue to work jointly with ISO / TC204 / WG7.2 to consider this approach in the standard development work on “ Data dictionary and messages set for Intermodal Transport ”.
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 TBG14 – Business Process Modelling Joint Session with TBG 15 – International Trade Procedures Working Group o Identified possible candidates for future work including the single window initiative import/export proposal of the international chamber of commerce
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 TBG15 – International Trade Procedures Joint Session with TBG3 (Transport) and TBG5 (Finance) on Update of UNECE Recommendation 12 – Measures to facilitate Maritime documentary procedures.
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 TBG Submission to UN/CEFACT Plenary
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 eCert Ratification Project Team Meeting 9 – 11 March Next Steps 1.Seek TBG endorsement of Team’s Terms of Reference – March Consider draft Business Requirements Specification (BRS) – April Review eCert data elements for completeness – April Engage EU & WCO representation – April Next meeting by teleconference to discuss progress – May 2004
TMG Techniques and Methodologies Group Klaus-Dieter Naujok, Chair Christian Huemer, Vice Chair Jens Dietrich, Secretariat UN/CEFACT U NITED N ATIONS C ENTRE F OR T RADE F ACILITATION A ND E LECTRONIC B USINESS Under the auspices of United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Highlights of Activities this week General o Progressed new TMG Membership rules which would ensure that the active contributors are the decision makers of their projects CC Resolution o “In order to have all specifications within the ebXML framework within ISO, We resolve to submit the Core Components Technical Specification Version 2.01 to ISO TC 154 for fast-tracking as a Draft Technical Specification.”
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Highlights of Activities this week IPR Policy o Ready to reissue call for participation with IPR Policy and Membership rules as agreed to by Plenary New Projects o Agreed in principle to accept ICG proposed project to develop a UMM profile of UML artifacts TMG StC to accept (no quorum at this meeting)
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Highlights of Activities this week BPWG o Reviewed BCF Roadmap with general session to clarify what work items would be in what document with in the N09X set o Progressed work on N090 (BCF Introduction) o UBAC: Joint meeting with LG for continued requirements and use case discussions Conducted discussion seminars: Legal considerations and ebXML, Standard Business Document Header (SBDH)
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Highlights of Activities this week CCWG o Resolved to submit CCTS Version 2.01 for fast tracking to ISO TC 154 as a Technical Specification. Planned list serve discussion Issue: Shall we work on CCTS under ISO or UN/CEFACT?
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Highlights of Activities this week CCWG o CCTS Will send out call for comments on version 2.01 30-day comment period to end April 30th Teleconferences to start May 13th Possible F2F week of 26-July o CCUG Finalize alignment with UMM User Guide Send to TMG Steering Committee for approval to send out for TMG final review
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004 Next meetings May 2004, TMG Meeting o Waldorf Germany September, Forum Meeting o McLean, VA, USA 6-10 December, TMG Meeting o Detroit, MI, USA March 2005, Forum o Asia May/June 2005, TMG Meeting o Barcelona, Spain (???)
UN/CEFACT Bonn Germany 9-12 March 2004