Mini case studies – Meeting April Sweden Use the next 3 slides as the template for your brief overview of the information in your mini case study documents. Please add your logo and the Teeup logo to the slides Slide 1 – Your organisation name and country, Slide 2 – (a) A brief summary from the management perspective –(b) A brief summary from the migrant/mobile worker’s perspective Slide 3 Training objectives and perspectives (a)Management (b)Migrant/mobile workers
Overview of mini case studies NORIBIC – N. Ireland Business Innovation Centre UK/IRL
Mini Case Study 1 Background Company Name: City Hotel, Derry, N. Ireland. Established No of workers: 150 – 200 No of Migrant workers: India, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, China, France, Nepal, Canada, Turkey Management Perspective ( - Interview with Isobel McWilliams, Personnel Manager.) Each staff member is given a 12 week skills training programme (STP) beginning with day 1 induction. Training is primarily peer-to-peer based often matching migrant workers with similar nationalities as appropriate. Translational facilities offered for both training and social events. Company also now has set target that 80% of all employees will undertake N. Ireland Tourist Board’s Welcome and Host Training.
Mini Case Study 1 Management Perspective Continued- (Interview with Isobel McWilliams, Personnel Manager) Isobel also represents City Hotel in various bodies including: N West Employers Forum; Hospitality & Tourism Employer’s Boards. Hotel policy is to treat migrant workers like other staff members – however they must have a basic command of English before being recruited The company give official recognition to the Trade Union SIPTU The company offers in house training and sources from external VETs in particular the NWRC. Energy Saving and Water Saving training are a more recent extension to the training regime
Mini Case Study 1 Migrant Perspective - (Interview with Zita Bertha - a Hungarian House keeper) Zita has been employed for 2 years at the hotel, has an excellent command of English and very capable interpersonal skills. Zita acknowledged the benefit of the Peer learning based ‘Buddy system’ in place in the hotel for new employees who will have a buddy for 3-4 days per week whom they will shadow when they start. On Participation of migrant workers towards company activity, Zita advises that ‘we are all treated very nicely’. There is no discrimination against migrant workers. Those workers who tend to make the most effort to integrate and in particular speak the language are those who tend to work best within the company. On Welcome into Hotel, Zita acknowledges the management and staff as having been ‘Very Helpful, Very Nice, very open, very nice atmosphere and place to work’. She was very comfortable with the training on offer and had everything clearly explained. In terms of Training, Zita noted the basic housekeeping training given on all required areas and the shadow training which took place in her first 2 weeks with all the checks and balances necessary.
Training objectives and perspectives Company Management Key objective is to maintain the STP system in place and to introduce Northern Ireland Tourism Board’s ‘Welcome Host’ training for 80% of staff. Migrants / mobile workers Perhaps a refresher course – from time to time if the ‘Buddy’ is missing for whatever reason, some areas can be missed. On the social front she really likes the annual awards/Christmas party but thinks that more was done in the past which could be repeated (quizzes and trips etc)