Skills for Business network - working in partnership – 20 April 2007 Aileen Ponton Head of Policy Development, Scotland, SSDA.


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Presentation transcript:

Skills for Business network - working in partnership – 20 April 2007 Aileen Ponton Head of Policy Development, Scotland, SSDA

Introduction  Setting a context  Providing an overview  Sector Skills Agreements  Influence and operations  Current and future issues  Summary

Context  Skills for Business network made up of  Sector Skills Development Agency – the regulator and 25 Sector Skills Councils  Non Departmental Public Body, sponsored jointly by the different governments across the UK  First set up in 2002 and now covers around 90% of the UK workforce  UK wide network but operates through specific structures in Scotland  Will become part of CES in 2008

Roles of the SSCs Each SSC agrees sector priorities and targets with its employers and partners to address four key goals: Developing and maintaining key labour market information in order to reduce skills gaps and shortages and plan for the future Improving productivity, business and public service performance Increasing opportunities to boost the skills and productivity of everyone in the sector's workforce, including action on equal opportunities Improving learning supply, including apprenticeships, higher education and national occupational standards

Overview SfBn action plan for Scotland Involvement in Determined to Succeed/ FE review Realignment of subject networks LMI template development SLAs with Careers Scotland, lds, SEN, Scotland’s colleges (to follow with STUC, HIE) Worldskills competitons Review of MA and Skillseekers SSA action plans and added value

Qualifications and Standards Development of national occupational standards at all levels and for all sectors through employer engagement - Development of SVQs and Modern Apprenticeships Involvement in the development and review of all school, college and vocational training Development of Sector Skills Agreements

What is an SSA? Five stage process SNA Analysis of public and privately funded training provision being accessed by the sector will also lead to development of a SQS Gap analysis Employer engagement and commitment Stakeholder engagement and commitment resulting in an agreed action plan

Progress on SSAs  Four Pathfinder SSCs completed in September 2005(Skillset, Constructionskills,SEMTA, Eskills UK)  Six SSCs completed September 2006 (Lantra, Skillsactive, Skills for Health, Skillfast UK, Skills for Logistics, Cogent)  Five SSCs likely to complete May 2007  Remaining ten to complete by March 2008  Timeline on website and updated monthly  All evidence based reports on website  Scottish SSA Project Board including SQA

Emerging themes Higher levels skills Management and leadership Employability skills/core skills Support for migrant workers Language/customer service skills Quality of employer engagement Size/structure/recognition of qualifications IAG

What are we trying to influence?  Government policies and initiatives that impact on this sector  Qualifications, education and training  Providers of education and training  Advice and guidance for young people and adults  Employers views and behaviours

Summary Employment led, sectoral focus Skills related Supporting those entering work, updating skills and moving jobs Strategic not operational role Common aim of growing Scotland’s economy Need to work in partnership with SQA, funders, government,and training providers