The Cross Cutting Themes: Common Strategic Framework 2014-2020 Equal Opportunities, Sustainable Development, Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion Chriss.


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Presentation transcript:

The Cross Cutting Themes: Common Strategic Framework Equal Opportunities, Sustainable Development, Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion Chriss O’Connell

What are the Cross Cutting Themes? Cross Cutting Themes (CCTs) - also referred to as horizontal themes General principles which require action in multiple fields across the programmes and projects Vertical and Horizontal integration They are NOT ‘bolted on’ at the end of the process but integral to the development

Key SD Objectives for Wales Reduction in green house gas emissions and waste - recycling Increase renewable energy Improve water quality; management of land, sea, inland water; sustainability of fisheries Improve built environment; access to green spaces Improve environmental management and pollution risk Enhance the natural and cultural environment Promote social justice; equality and health and wellbeing

Key Equality Objectives for Wales Reduce NEETs (emphasise groups) Support older workers; WLHC remain in work Pay gap for women, BME and disabled people Under-representation of women in STEM Occupational segregation non-traditional areas of work Support employers - inclusive workplaces Entrepreneurship and business start-ups for under represented groups Access to technology / access to childcare Promote and facilitate use of Welsh Language Health and wellbeing

Key Tackling Poverty Objectives for Wales Access to sustainable employment Tackling barriers - poor skills, lack of childcare, transport Tackling economic inactivity Workless households Support for those in low paid / low hours / temp jobs Align skills with jobs, opening up access to higher pay / progression - in work poverty Support employers - workforce development progression for part time staff Energy efficiency measures - addressing fuel poverty

EU Common Strategic Framework General Regulation (Common Provision Regulations) Programmes Consistent approach across CSF European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) European Social Fund (ESF) European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Maritime & Fisheries Fund (EMFF)

Why are they in the European Programmes? Two ways to answer this question: 1. Why the Cross Cutting Themes HAVE to be integrated into all European Projects 2. Why the Cross Cutting Themes SHOULD be integrated into all European Projects

Why the CCTs HAVE to be there: The General Regulations governing the European Programmes stipulate that all projects funded through the Common Strategic Framework, which includes SF’s, must integrate Equal Opportunities and Gender Mainstreaming (Article 7) and Sustainable Development (Article 8). In addition the horizontal principle Tackling Poverty and Social Exclusion has been included as a Welsh CCT

Why the CCTs HAVE to be there cont.. EU Regulations / UK and Welsh legislation: Habitats Directive / Natura Equality Act (Welsh Duty to publish and EIA’s) GOWA (2006) principles of Equality and promoting SD Future Generations Bill (was SD Bill) (Autumn 2013) Welsh Language Measures (2011) Range of specific policies: Tackling Poverty Action Plan; Strategic Equality Action Plan; Sustaining a Living Wales; (SD) BREEAM Standards / CEEQUAL Range of related policies: Flying Start; Refugee and Inclusion etc.

Why the CCTs SHOULD be there: Add value to the Programmes Raise awareness and understanding Ensure maximum participation and mitigate adverse impacts Move beyond compliance and develop systems which support good practice - not just about targets

CCT Indicators Most CCT objectives will be meet through priority targets e.g. Priority: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Targets include: No of additional energy users connected to smart grids (SD) Additional capacity for renewable energy (SD) Number of households with improved energy consumption classification (TP)

CCT Indicators cont.. Most CCT objectives will be meet through existing priority targets e.g. Priority: Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning Targets include: Progression schemes for women (EO & TP) Specific targets for participants: - Women - those above 50 - BME people & migrant workers - Disabled people and those with WLHC (EO &TP)

Additional CCT Indicators EO and ES targets specific to: ESF Education, Skills and Lifelong learning (50%) ERDF Research and Innovation (20%) and SME Competitiveness (50%): % of enterprises adopting or improving their equality strategies and monitoring systems % of enterprises adopting or improving their environmental strategies

Demographic Data Male / Female Disabled / WLHC Ethnic Origin Age Migrant status Caring responsibility, including lone parent responsibility Welsh Speaker And any other data you have agreed to collect in your Strategic Equality Action Plan

Implementation of the CCTs EIA and SEA recommendations built in CCT targets agreed at project level Assessment of CCTs in each project Ongoing specialist advice Programme of awareness raising CCT Guidance and Factsheets Regular monitoring at review meetings CCT implementation covered in all evaluations Update reports to PMC, SEAP, SDP, TPAP, WLAR

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