Building Better Opportunities Building Better Opportunities in New Anglia Jonathan Clark Policy & Learning Manager Big Lottery Fund April 2015
Building Better Opportunities Big Lottery Fund
Building Better Opportunities Why are BIG delivering ESF? Big Lottery Fund “To bring real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need” Objective for ESF Theme 9: “Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty” BBOBBO
Building Better Opportunities Key components of our offer Cash match £220M Lottery money 1 Run a two-stage competitive grants process 2 Offer Lottery development grants 3 Provide support to applicants throughout 4 Offer different application windows 5 Simplify reporting and monitoring requirements 6
Building Better Opportunities The application process Outline proposal Lottery money Detailed proposal
Building Better Opportunities Key features of BBO in New Anglia We are match funding approximately £7.5m of ESF over the life of the programme (total £15m) BBO 1 will run for 3 years with around £7.5m of funding available Funding available for up to six projects – each likely £1m plus Partnership model = lead + local delivery partners
Building Better Opportunities Target beneficiaries 1.Long term unemployed, including WP returners and the economically inactive 2.Families experiencing multiple barriers 3.Young people 4.Older People seeking a return to work 5.Migrant Workers
Building Better Opportunities 1.Young people (pre 15+ NEET by exception) Supporting early engagement with young people, especially those NEET, at high risk of NEET, looked after children, care leavers and children with special educational needs 2.Removing barriers to work for families Support for family members experiencing multiple barriers to employment and addressing root causes of poverty and social exclusion 3.Towards Employment or Self Employment Supporting long-term unemployed, economically inactive and those most distant from the labour market to move towards or into employment Emerging themes*
Building Better Opportunities Monitoring commitment Standardised tools, processes and systems Support in meeting requirements But specific delivery and monitoring requirements will apply! Comprehensive evidence of all expenditure Live record of participants, characteristics and indicators Robust performance measures Evidence of learning and progression Confirmation that all delivery requirements are being met Retention of evidence for at least 10 years
Building Better Opportunities Proposed timelines*
Building Better Opportunities Questions