World War I Ada McGuire’s letters Home Front Danger during war 6B
Ada McGuire’s letters Soldiers wounded. Quite a lot of widows, mostly young War office wont let the injured soldiers retire.
Ada McGuire’s letters The government won’t pay the rent for recruitment. The working classes were worse off than soldiers sent to the Front.
Danger during War The huge number of soldiers meant less work in their respective cities, so there was a big problem in economy in those days.
Danger during war The countries in the WW I where in labour shortages, the government fixed that problem by replacing skilled workers by women, older men and disabled people.
Recruitment Recruitment came in another way: Lord Kirtchner sent letters to people that could become soldiers even though they were obliged anyways.
Women decided to work. They couldn´t go to the battlefront for safety reasons.
They helped in making bullets, and constructing means of transport or war vehicles.
They considered themselves important and were respected.
What did they do in the HOMEFRONT? Women worked very hard so that war would “work” wherever it happened.
A plane of the ages Used at war, as weak as it looked. Its parts were made in the homefront.