Your Librarians Your Librarians Before we start, we’d like to find out a few things about you.... Katrina, Marion, Clare, Stephen, Elen, Alison
Quick information search refresher Useful places to search Reading lists Google Scholar Reference lists iFind Research Ask an expert (Lecturer, Librarian) ASSIA database Specific journals you know of (e.g.: Journal of Social Policy) Social Policy websites (e.g.: Social Policy Digest Online)
Library Support for Social Policy students on Blackboard
Make sure you have a search strategy!
Searching on a database Aim Boolean Operator Search Examples Retrieval Formula To narrow your search results AND housing AND older people Only retrieves records containing both terms To broaden your search results OR housing OR accommodation elderly OR “older people” Retrieves records containing either one or more terms To exclude a term from your search NOT Wales NOT Australia Excludes records containing the second term
Looking for facts and figures.... If you were researching the demographic of a particular (e.g.: Swansea) and wanted to find statistics what would your search strategy be to find it?
Finding UK and Wales Statistics Office for National Statistics - Statistics are available on all areas of government policy, such as: Economy, Education, Energy, Environment, Health and Welfare. ONS – Neighbourhood Statistics - wide range of statistical information. You will find statistics on population, employment, socio-economic classification, etc. from the 2011 Census. StatsWales - is a website of social statistics about Wales which includes the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation which is the official measure of small area deprivation in Wales. Data Unit Wales - Data sets available on Education, Finance, Housing, Population & migration, Social Services and Transport.
European and Global Statistics Eurostat - is the statistical office for the EU. It gathers in stats from EU countries, plus other European countries + key countries around the world so that comparisons can be made and trends can be identified. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Statistics Portal. The OECD provides figures on national economies, including agriculture, trade, transport, energy, labour, environment and demography and health.
What are official publications? Acts of Parliament Command papers Departmental publications Green papers / White papers House of Commons and House of Lords bills and papers Also the equivalent literature which emanates for the devolved governments.
How official publications are organised Parliamentary (HoC, HoL) Sessional (the business of Parliament) – House of Commons bills, papers and command papers: House of Lords – as above (but not command papers) Proceedings (what happened and what was said) House of Commons Journal House of Lords Journal Hansard (verbatim (word for word) account of what was said by whom). Legislation Acts (Statutes) and Statutory Instruments Non-Parliamentary - i.e publications of government departments
UK and Welsh Information Google site search This site contains a full listing of Command Papers and House of Commons Papers (HCPs) from 17 May 2005 to the present. House of Commons Parliamentary Papers - Over 200,000 House of Commons sessional papers from 1715 to the present also Hansard (1803-2005) Current Hansard are available from Parliament.UK - carries most types of UK Legislation including Welsh Legislation.
European and Global Information European Sources Online - an online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe. ELDIS- hosted by the Institute of Development Studies, ELDIS catalogues and links to reports, data, articles, policy documents about development issues such as health, welfare, climate change, agriculture and food security and much more.
Finding legal information and information from newspapers Citizens Advice Notes (CANS) - accurate and up-to-date legal information on British and European law. Relevant and updated daily, this is a complete legal resource for anyone with a question about the rights and responsibilities associated with living, working or engaging in life in Britain. Nexis UK- Access to hundreds of newspapers and other news sources from many countries around the world, including the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the USA. Nexis UK contains the text of many newspaper articles from the early 1990s onwards.
Your Librarians Need help? Just ask Your Librarians Book a librarian: Katrina, Marion, Clare, Stephen, Elen, Alison, Izzy Find us on /swanuni.iss @swanuni_iss