The population structure of an ageing population has more older people than younger people because few people are being born and people are living to be older. Countries with a an ageing population are usually the richer countries in stage 5 of the DTM. Older people (over 65) are supported by the working population (aged 16-64)- they're dependant on them. So in a country with an ageing population there is a higher proportion of people who are dependant.
The working population pay taxes, some of which the government use to pay the state pensions of older people and to pay for services like healthcare and retirement homes. Taxes would need to go up because there are more pensions to pay for and older people need more healthcare. The economy would grow more slowly- less money is being spent on things that help the economy e.g. education and business. The working population pay taxes, some of which the government use to pay the state pensions of older people and to pay for services like healthcare and retirement homes. Taxes would need to go up because there are more pensions to pay for and older people need more healthcare. The economy would grow more slowly- less money is being spent on things that help the economy e.g. education and business. Healthcare services are stretched more because older people need more medical care. People will need to spend more time working as unpaid carers for older family members. This means that the working population have less leisure time and are more stressed and worried. People may have fewer children because they cant afford lots of children when they have dependant older relatives. This leads to a drop in birth rate. The more old people there are the lower the pension will be.People will have to retire later because they cant afford to get by on a state pension. Healthcare services are stretched more because older people need more medical care. People will need to spend more time working as unpaid carers for older family members. This means that the working population have less leisure time and are more stressed and worried. People may have fewer children because they cant afford lots of children when they have dependant older relatives. This leads to a drop in birth rate. The more old people there are the lower the pension will be.People will have to retire later because they cant afford to get by on a state pension.
Encouraging larger families e.g. in Italy women are offered cash rewards to have more children. This increases the number of young people- when they start work there will a larger working population to pay taxes and support the ageing population Encouraging the immigration of young people from other countries. This increases the working population. Theses strategies don’t help towards sustainable development because they increase the population size.
Raising the retirement age- people stay in work longer and contribute to state pensions and personal pensions for longer. They will also claim the state pension for less time. Raising taxes for the working population- this would increase the amount of money available to support the ageing population. These strategies help towards sustainable development because they help to reduce the impacts of an ageing population, without increasing the population size.
The Uks population is ageing The ageing population is caused by Increasing Life expectancy and dropping birth rate People are living longer due to medical advances and improved living standards Between 1980 and 2006 life expectancy rose 2.6 years for women and 6.4 years for men. Lots of babies were born in the 1940s and 1960s. Those born in the 1940s are retiring now creating a pensioner boom. Since the 1970s the number of babies being born has fallen. With fewer young people in the population the proportion of older people.
More elderly people are living in poverty- the working population isn't large enough to pay for a decent pension, and many people don’t have other savings. Even though the state pension is low the government is struggling to pay it. The taxes paid by people in work aren't enough to cover the cost of pensions and as the population ages the situation gets worse. The health service is under pressure because older people need more medical care than younger people. The Uks Ageing population causes a few problems:
Raise the retirement age-people will have to work for longer so there will be more people paying tax and fewer people claiming pensions. Encourage immigration of young people to the UK- This increases the number of people paying taxes which helps pay for the state pension and services. Encourage women to have children Encourage people to take out private pensions- With private pensions people wont be so dependant on the state pension. The UK government has strategies to cope with an ageing population
Migration is the movement of people from one area to another. When people move into an area its called emigration. When people leave an area its called emigration.