Caroline R. Piselli RN, DNP(c), MBA, FACHE PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Industries Advisory Director Building Your Plan to Get from Here to There: Steps Required to Achieve a Blended Services Model
Source: PwC Health Research Institute National Trends / Role of Government Payment Methodologies Shifting Demographics New Customers Empowered Consumer Care Anywhere, Anytime Agenda
Source: PwC Health Research Institute New Health Economy Transformation TRANSFORMATION from a fee for service environment to population health aligned with risk is a current to future state process. Key critical success factors expand well beyond payment methodology design, actuarial computation and include some of the following: 1- INNOVATIVE Design 2- Population Health- OUTCOMES focused 3- Current to future state VISION driven 4- RISK linked to OUTCOMES, not process 5- Flexible & Adaptable to CONTINUAL IMPROVEMENT 6- CONTINUAL COLLABORATION 6- Sense of URGENCY and ACCELERATION
Source: PwC Health Research Institute Is Your Organization Prepared for the New Health Economy ?
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
ACA Implementation
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
13 Some Published Examples to Follow
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
MD Statewide Experience: PPC Cost Savings Source: Health Affairs December 2012 Source: Health Affairs, December :12; doi: /hlthaff
Source: PwC Health Research Institute Potentially Preventable Events
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
20 PDF picture
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
Balancing insurer risks in the reformed insurance market: Incentivize health plans to participate
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
Population Management Readiness Develop a network across a geography that delivers evidence-based care to improve the quality, efficiency and coordination of health care services Leveraging: Data Transparency Critical Mass Long Term Commitment Consumer Value
Source: PwC Health Research Institute
Questions? Caroline R. Piselli, RN, MBA, FACHE Health Industries Advisory Director PricewaterhouseCoopers
Source: PwC Health Research Institute