UNITAID’s Market Approach in HIV Diagnostics Brenda Waning International AIDS Society 18 July, 2011 Rome
Presentation Outline Overview of UNITAID Description of UNITAID’s market approach to improve public health Summary of UNITAID’s current and planned activities in the area of HIV diagnostics
UNITAID: a WHO Partnership moving markets Partners Working towards the common goal of expanding access to health Est. 2006: Innovative finance mechanism based largely on air tax levies from north & south Geneva-based secretariat: no in-country offices – work with partners Work exclusively through markets to improve access to medicines, diagnostics and preventative items for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria
UNITAID Goal UNITAID aims to promote “healthy”, dynamic market conditions whereby manufacturers have incentives to invest and innovate, while at the same time supply quality public health products at sustainable, affordable prices and in acceptable formulations that enable the maximum number of people to access them.
How UNITAID intervenes UNITAID’s role depends upon the particular circumstances in a given market: Market catalyst: identifying and facilitating adoption and uptake of new and/or superior public health products; Market creator: providing incentives for manufacturers to produce otherwise unattractive products with low demand that yield little profit but substantial public health benefit to those in need; and Market “fixer”: addressing severe market inefficiencies (e.g. grossly inaccurate demand forecasts and excessive transaction costs) that contribute to low access to quality- assured public health products.
UNITAID Market impact framework
UNITAID Intervention example: 2 nd line ARV market Partners: Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), WHO Prequalification Programme for Medicines
UNITAID current & planned activities in HIV diagnostics (1)) Landscape analyses map the landscape (disease, technology, market) for diagnostics across the 3 diseases update every 6 months internal value - inform priorities, decision making external value: public good to other organizations Call for letters of intent (and then proposals) for projects to increase access to diagnostics in the 3 disease areas expected launch: last week of July 2011 To be posted on website:
HIV Diagnostics Landscape Released 1 June
UNITAID current & planned activities in HIV diagnostics (2) Create mechanisms to compare potential projects against UNITAID prioritization criteria: Market impact Public health impact Innovation Value for money Provide all inputs (landscapes, prioritization analyses) to UNITAID technical & decision-making bodies Continue dialogue with other organizations this session: dissemination & feedback
Thank you Contact Information: Brenda Waning Coordinator, Market Dynamics UNITAID