Ahaziah King of Negligence
Background Ahaziah, son of Ahab, was the 8th king of Isael, c. 852-853 B.C. (1 Kings 22:51 – 2 Kings 1:1-18; 2 Chron. 20:35-37) There is a repeated question made in the story of this man: “Is it because there is no God in Israel, that ye go to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron?” (2 Kings 1:3,6,16) What can we learn from Ahaziah? We learn the importance of not neglecting or exchanging the true for the false
King of Negligence God had made himself known in many ways to Israel (Num. 12:6; Psa. 77:14; 98:2; 103:7; Ezek. 20:5) Ahaziah chose to neglect the true for the false (Isa. 59:4; Jer. 9:5; Jn. 8:44) Elijah was sent to Ahaziah to bring him back to the truth (Acts 26:25; Eph. 4:25) There is a great problem today of neglecting the true for the false
Neglecting the True for the False Is it because there is no God, that you go to inquire of false gods: money, etc. (1 Cor. 8:5-6)? Is it because there is no Bible, that you go to inquire of the words of men: Quran, Vedas, Book of Mormon, creed books, etc. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)? Is it because there is no church, that you go to inquire of denominationalism: Catholicism, Protestantism, World Religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam), etc. (Mt. 16:18)?
Neglecting the True for the False It is because there is no gospel, that you go to inquire of false gospels: faith-only, social, prosperity, new age, etc. (Rom. 1:16-17; Ga. 1:6-9) It is because there is no work of the Lord, that you go to inquire of false works: fun and games, etc. (Eph. 2:10) Is it because there is no marriage, that you go to inquire of alternative lifestyles: homosexuality, polygamy, fornication, etc. (Mt. 19:5-6)?
Why So Much Neglect? Some are hardened and love their sinful ways Some are untaught and don’t know the difference Some are bored and want something new Some are pressured by the world around them Some grow tired of upholding the truth It’s a matter of exchanging the truth for a lie (Rom. 1:28; 2 Thess. 2:10-12)