BEHIND THE BORDER ACTIONS AND APEC THE CASE OF INDONESIA Presented by Pos Hutabarat, PhD Ministry of Trade Republic of Indonesia
Economies Characteristics Total Area1,919,400 sq Km Number of Islands18,300 Population (2005)220 million Pop. Growth ( )1.45% Unemployment rate (2005)10.3% GDP/cap (2005)US$ 1100 GDP Growth ( )4.8%
Macro Economic Indicators GDP Growth (%) Inflation (%) Exports (US$ B) Imports (US$ B) GDP/cap (US$) Indicators
Tariffs 1.Indonesia has adjusted its tariff regime in accordance with the implementation of WTO commitments 2.Most of the tariff lines are ranging between 0% to 10% with weighted average 7.2% in 2005
Non-Tariff Measures 1.Eliminating 98 non-tariff measures by 2004 on the WTO commitment 2.Taking unilateral action to remove NTM’s which are not included in the Uruguay Commitments 3.Releasing import restriction
SERVICES Indonesia has reformed and deregulated many service sectors, which include financial, retailing and distribution, energy and tourism
Retail and Distribution 1.Allow foreign firm to operate and obtain a business license for trading 2.National treatment commitments for wholesale trade, retailing, convention, market research, and quality certification services
Financial 1.Set up the national financial system 2.Rebuild institutional building and coordinate mechanism of institutions as regulator of national financial system 3.Allowing branch office of foreign bank and foreign ownership in local bank (99%) 4.Allowing joint venture insurance company (99%) and finance company (85%).
ENERGY SECTOR 1. Allowing foreign companies to participate in the exploration of oil and gas fields under production sharing contracts (PSCs) 2. Restructuring electricity sector for transparency and competitive for wide public interest 3. Allowing retail on gasoline industry 4. Allowing joint cooperation contract in coal mining
INVESTMENT 1.Improving transparency in investment; 2.Non-discrimination policy to investors; 3.Allowing full ownership of FDI in almost all sectors; 4.Signing investment guarantee agreement with 57 countries, of which 18 are APEC economies; 5.Comprehensive investment facilitations
Standards and Conformance 1.Alignment of domestics standards with international Standards; 2.Establishment of Indonesia’s guideline on good regulatory practices; 3.Establishment of Indonesian Standardization Society 4.Development of Technical Infrastructure 5.Transparency of Information on standards and conformance
COMPETITION POLICY 1.Promoting competition through enactment of The Law No. 5/1999 concerning The Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition 2.Establishing and independent Competition Commission (KPPU) in 2000
CONCLUSION 1.Indonesia has made significant progress in all areas of the Osaka Action Agenda to achieve the Bogor Goals; 2.Indonesia continues deregulating and liberalizing the economy to improve its competitiveness; 3.Indonesia is one of the most open economies in the Asia Pacific region