Islam: Test Review
1.) Religious Experience: A.) Monotheism: 99 names of Allah B.) Angels Prophets Judgement Day Predestination Prophet Muhammed: 7 Characteristics of the Prophet Submission to God = Islam
2.) Sacred Stories: Qur’an usually recites or chants it rather than reading silently they believe Mohammed was directly quoting Allah. the book is comprised of God’s actual words so therefore humanity is encouraged to learn and understand the Qur’an Hadith –the sayings of Mohammed Review the hand-outs and class activity comparing the Quran to the Bible.
3.) Symbols and Rituals: special celebrations-Life-Cycle Rituals Rites of Passage Crescent Moon and Star-Ritual Objects for Prayer The Mosque Islamic Art
4.) Community of Faith: Imam: a person who leads prayer and delivers a prayer and who delivers a sermon just before the Friday prayers-6 Roles/Duties of an Imam. Two Muslim sects include: 1. Sunni 2. Shi’ah (Sufi sect (mystics) could include both Sunnis and Shi’ites.)
5.) Teaching/Doctrine: 5 Pillars of Islam 1. Shahadah: belief and profession that there is one God and Muhammed is his messenger 2. Salat: Muslims pray 5 times per day facing Mecca 3. Zakat: giving money to the Poor 4. Sawn: fasting during Ramadan 5. Hajj: pilgrimage to mecca
1.) Protection of Religion 2.) Protection of Life 6.) Morality/Ethics In class we examined Shariah Law, and some of its aspects- Specifically the terms Haram and Halal 5 Duties of a Muslim: 1.) Protection of Religion 2.) Protection of Life 3.) Protection of Dignity 4.) Protection of Intellect 5.) Protection of Property
Islam “Expert” Terms Allah Hijrah Shia/Sunni Muhammed Medina Mosque Quran Kaabah Minaret Shahadah Hadith/Sunnah Salat Wudu Imam Sawn Haram/Halal Zakat Shariah Hajj