ISLAM – SOME BASICS Islam – submission Muslim – one who submits *Allah – ‘al’ = the ‘lah’ = god *This god is the same God of Christians and Jews Mecca – most holy city Kaaba – most holy shrine believed built by Abraham, located in Mecca Quran – the holy book of Islam,
ORIGINS The Arabian Peninsula – 610 C.E. (polytheistic traditions) 1.Muhammad (b. 570 – d. 632 C.E.) 2.The Revelation (610 C.E.) 3.Hirja – The Flight (622 C.E.)
Qur’an – literally ‘the recitation’ believed a written record of the words revealed to Muhammad by Allah (the God) recorded in Arabic – to completely understand one needs to know Arabic believed to be the last word of God to people until the final day of judgement used as a complete guide to life - settle disputes - guidance issuing penalties
SUNNI SHIAH (Shiite) - caliph can be any good Muslim - caliph must be blood - 90% of Muslims relation to Muhammad - some wearing of Western style - 10% of Muslim - conservative/traditional clothing - many fundamentalists - leader title ‘Ayatollah’ CALIPH = ‘SUCCESSOR’ Hijab – literally ‘cover’
Jihad – literally ‘the struggle or striving’ traditionally refers to one’s inner striving to rid self of evil and live in accordance to God’ will the inner striving or struggle must expand beyond the isolated self to the community at large can be interpreted to mean it is one’s duty to work to rid word of evil/negative/wrong. TECHNICALLY NOT ‘HOLY WAR’!