Title: Update on ASEAN-Japan Maritime Transport Security Program. Author: Takeshi SUZUKI Economy: JAPAN
Why international cooperation is important? 31st APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting (TPT-WG31), Lima, Peru Why international cooperation is important? Trade partners may be in danger if one port does not implement effective security measures Country C Factory Check PFSO SSO Japan Country B Country F Country E Country A Country D The weak points of SOLAS/ISPS Where no external audit scheme exists for security measures, and unless every country implements and maintains effective security measures at their ports and on their ships, our trade network will not remain secure. Necessity of cooperation Urge and assist every Contracting Government to implement SOLAS/ISPS effectively and continuously by establishing a PDCA cycle in each country. 25-29 August 2008, Lima, Peru
ASEAN is one of the major trading partners of Japan 31st APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting (TPT-WG31), Lima, Peru ASEAN is one of the major trading partners of Japan Value of Exports and Imports Container Volume (Exports and Imports) The Ministry of Finance customs statistics 2005 MLIT Port statistics 2004 The weak points of SOLAS/ISPS Where no external audit scheme exists for security measures, and unless every country implements and maintains effective security measures at their ports and on their ships, our trade network will not remain secure. Necessity of cooperation Urge and assist every Contracting Government to implement SOLAS/ISPS effectively and continuously by establishing a PDCA cycle in each country. 25-29 August 2008, Lima, Peru
Japan is one of the major trading partners of ASEAN 31st APEC Transportation Working Group Meeting (TPT-WG31), Lima, Peru Japan is one of the major trading partners of ASEAN ASEAN Exports (Value) ASEAN Imports (Value) The Ministry of Finance customs statistics 2005 The weak points of SOLAS/ISPS Where no external audit scheme exists for security measures, and unless every country implements and maintains effective security measures at their ports and on their ships, our trade network will not remain secure. Necessity of cooperation Urge and assist every Contracting Government to implement SOLAS/ISPS effectively and continuously by establishing a PDCA cycle in each country. 25-29 August 2008, Lima, Peru
ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership Projects Currently, 21 projects are in progress among them, 7 projects are maritime & port projects AJMT-1 ASEAN-Japan Seafarers Policy Cooperation AJMT-2 ASEAN-Japan Maritime Transport Security Program AJMT-3 ASEAN-Japan Cruise Promotion Project AJMT-4 ASEAN-Japan High-Speed Maritime Network There are 21 projects in ASEAN-Japan Transport Partnership Projects. And 7 projects are related to maritime and port. “AJMT-2” is the maritime and transport security program under which we are implementing the cooperation projects. AJMT-5 ASEAN “Mega-Float” Promotion Project AJMT-6 ASEAN-Japan Port Technology Joint Research Project AJMT-7 ASEAN-Japan Cooperation on Coast Guard Development
ASEAN/Japan Maritime Transport Security Program (AJMT-2) A/J 1st Seminar on Maritime Security and Combating Piracy (2003.12) Seminar in Indonesia (2004.3) A/J Seminar in Cambodia (2004.5) A/J WS in Philippines (2004.4) A/J WS in Vietnam (2004.6) A/J Seminar in Myanmar (2004.5) 1st stage: How to comply with SOLAS 2004.7- SOLAS/ISPS entered into force A/J 2nd Seminar on Maritime Security and Combating Piracy (2005.3) 2nd stage: How effectively & continuously implement SOLAS 2005.10 JICA Training Course on Port Facility Security A/J Seminar/WS in Thailand (2005.7) APEC WS in Vietnam (2005.12) WS in Myanmar (2005.11) JICA/APEC Seminar in Indonesia (2005.12) A/J Seminar in Cambodia (2006.4) APEC Seminar in Malaysia (2006.6) 2005.10 A/J Port Security Policy Dialogue 3rd stage: How to check & upgrade security measures 2007.2 A/J Regional Action Plan on Port Security (RAPPS) Accepted Then, I would like to explain the background of Regional Action Plan. Japan has provided technical cooperation on maritime transport security within the framework of the ASEAN- Japan Transport Partnership. In October 2003, the Maritime Transport Security Program was officially adopted at the First ASEAN and Japan Transport Ministers Meeting. After that, in December 2003, the ASEAN and Japan Seminar on Maritime Security was held in Japan. Following this seminar, in response to request from ASEAN countries, we had held several seminars in order to comply with SOLAS convention in Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, Cambodia, Vietnam in cooperation with Singapore. After SOLAS/ISPS entered into force, we held seminars in order to implement SOLAS effectively and continuously in cooperation with APEC members who are mainly America, Australia, Canada as well as Singapore. Then, We have made Regional Action Plan on Port Security and have been implementing some actions based on this plan. Additionally, this plan was submitted in Senior Transport Official level meeting in Japan in June 2006, and accepted. This Regional Action Plan will submitted in ASEAN-Japan Minister level meeting in early 2007. This is the 3rd stage, how to check & upgrade security. Development of “manuals on port security measures” and implementation of “Joint Exercise (JE)” through discussion in ‘A/J Port Security Experts Meeting (PSEM)’ 1st PSEM in Bangkok (2006.4) 2nd PSEM in Yokohama (2006.10) A/J JE (2007.2) 3rd PSEM in Jakarta (2007.3) 4th PSEM in Fukuoka (2007.9) A/J JE (2008.1) 5th PSEM in Kuala Lumpur (2008.3) 6th PSEM in Nagoya (2009 proposed)
Roadmap for ASEAN-Japan RAPPS 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 4-6 7-9 10-12 1-3 1-6 7-12 A/J Maritime Transport Program AJMT Security <AJMT -2> Port Experts Meeting Each ASEAN Country A/J Transport Policy WS Jun, Miyazaki A/J STOM & ATM Feb, Bangkok A/J Maritime Transport WG Vietnam Time limit to submit PFSP to IMO Jul 09 Submit Accept PLAN, DO ACTION CHECK Submit PSEM1 PSEM2 PSEM3 PSEM4 PSEM5 PSEM6 PSEM7 Preparation for RAPPS 1) Discuss draft PFSA & PFSP manuals 2) Discuss Technical Guideline 3) Discuss scenarios for JCE 1) Finalize PFSA & PFSP 2) Finalize Technical Guideline 3) Follow up JCE 1) Discuss DOS manual 2) Discuss Best Practice 1) Finalize DOS manual 2) Finalize Best Practice Book 3) Follow up JE 4) Revise RAPPS 1) Discuss Audit Program on Port Security 2) Follow up JE 1) Finalize Audit Program on port security measures 2) Follow up JE IAP + Collective Actions The roadmap for ASEAN-Japan Regional action plan on port security is shown in this slide. We are planning Joint exercise will be conducted in early in 2008 and early in 2010. PSEM6 and PSEM7 will be held few weeks after each Joint Exercise. Both meeting will be held in Japan. Joint Exercise Joint Exercise Joint Exercise Joint Exercise Individual Action Plan Training course on Port Security Oct, 07 Yokohama Training course on Port Security Sep, 08 Training course on Port Security Oct, 09
JICA Training for Port Security Curriculum (1st week)
Curriculum (2nd week)
Curriculum (3rd week)