Vehicle Information
Must: Title and Register vehicle before legally driving on roads. >Title-Proof of ownership Must: Always have documents available. New state residents: 60 days or before expiration date of out of state document.
Obtain – Dealership or manufactu r er’s certificate of origin ( check for sales tax satisfied’ stamp on back) Take to MVC Pay Fee - $20
1. Complete Reverse Side of Title— *Buyer’s Name/ Buyer’s Signature *Buyer’s Address *Date of Sale *Odometer Reading *Sales Price * Seller’s Information/ Signature 2. Complete sales tax section (taxes 7% on purchase price)
3. Present – signed title sales tax form sales tax fee proof of sales tax payment 4. Pay Title Fee ****Avoid $25 penalty by transferring title within 10 business days of sale
1. At MVC – - complete application (include – insurance company & personal policy number) 2. Proof of Ownership - *New car – manufacturer’s cert. of origin & dealer’s cert. of sale *Used car – title signed by previous owner *Leased car – secure power of attorney from leasing company 3. Show proof of sales- tax been paid
MVC mails the renewal form to your address 2 months in advance Complete the form and mail back with - **payment as check or money order Fine for no Registration in vehicle= $173
2 Matching License Plates for a passenger vehicle **Put on the Front & Back bumper **12 inches from ground, but no more than 48 inches **Rear – Lit at night and visible from 50 feet **Plate holders – Can’t obscure any lettering -$100 dollar fine 1 license plate for trailers, motorized bikes, motorcycles
If either are lost or stolen, report the incident to the local police Make sure to get a copy of the complaint Plates must be replaced within 24 hours of the incident Forging or counterfeiting plates can result: $500 fine 60 days in prison Suspension of license of up to and including 6 months
Handicapped plates & rearview mirror placards are available to all disabled persons free of charge The plates and placards allow the motorist to park in designated spaces To obtain the plates, an application must be completed by the individual as well as a physician. Once completed the application can be brought to the MCV agency and the individual will receive one set of plates and a place card.
To obtain a temporary place card: -A motorist must go to the chief of police in the municipality where he/ she resides to get an application. -The applicant must have physician certify the need for the place card. -Must return completed application to the police department with a $4 fee payable to MVC -Upon payment, the police department will issue a temporary place card. -Temporary place cards are good for six months and may be renewed if needed for an additional six months.
To comply with state and federal safety standards, the MVC tests the brakes, suspension, steering, wheel alignment, and safety features. Federal Clean Air Act Each vehicle will have their catalytic converters and emissions systems tested Final stage of the test: An On-board Diagnostics (OBD) test will be conducted Technicians download emissions information from an on-board computer MVC will determine whether or not the vehicle passes
All cars manufactured after 2000 do not need to be inspected until the 4th year. After the 4 yrs the vehicle needs to be inspected every 2 years. If you have recently moved to NJ you need to get your vehicle inspected within 14 days after registering it. There are several places to get your vehicle inspected Both public and private Must bring to the inspection facility: Valid drivers license Current registration Insurance document
Bring – License, registration, insurance If Pass – Receive inspection sticker If Fail –Rejection Sticker, End of next month for repairs Exempt – Historic and Collector cars -Historic - 25 years old used for exhibition and QQ on license plates - Collector – Triangle decal on front window (2 yrs.) less than 3,000 miles yr.
Historic Cars: Must be at least 25yrs old Only used for exhibition purposes only Registered with “QQ” license plates Collector Cars: Must display 2 license plates Have a triangular decal on the front windshield (valid for 2yrs) Limited use collector status insurance applies This status must be renewed every 2yrs Must provide proof that the car has not been driven more than 3000 miles annually
Liability Insurance is Mandatory in NJ Insurance Card will be given and should Remain in vehicle Shown whenever you are in an accident or stopped by an officer of the law.