School ;-Government High School. Thanisandra Topic :-Versatility of Herbs Research on :- Medicinal Plants Participant No.1:-Irfan pasha Participant No.2:-Asma Banu.C.I Participant No.3:-Sayeeda kousar
Topic: VERSATALITY OF HERBS (An informative Programme about Herbs)
Aims and Objectives To bring awareness among people about the use of Herbs To encourage students to identify & use locally available herbs To encourage the use of herbs for good health.
CONTENTS Herbs as Bio-Fertilizers Medicinal herbs Ornamental Herbs Herbs as Food
INTRODUCTION Among 1.7 million species of living organisms 2,89,640 species are plants. Plants are the main Source for the survival of all living organisms. They are the major producer community in the Ecosystem. Herbal usage is an age old practice of the Human beings. The WHO estimates that about three quarters of the world population currently use heaaaarbs
Medicinal Plants Herbalism or Phytotheraphy It is folk or traditional medicinal practice based on use of plants.
Herbal Tincture Herbal Teas Herbal teas Types of herbal medicines
herbalpowders Herbal tablets
Herbal oils Herbal Oils
Herbal poultices
Herbal Creams and ointments
Locally available medicinal Herbs Uses : - To Cure Cough, cold and throat pain Tulsi
constipation, diarrhoea, gastritis, duodenal ulcers. Isabgol
cooling, antiseptic, digestive,liver stimulant. Jatamansi
H y p e r t e n s i o n, a p p e t i z e r, s e d a t i v e e t c. Sarpagandha
.. Used to control cholesterol level of blood. .. Controls Blood pressure,platelet aggregation and has antibacterial properties. AA research published in the Japanese Journals of Cancer indicates that garlic offers protection against stomach Cancer TThree cloves a day is recommonded Garlic ‘Garlic is as good as ten mothers.’
Uses :- To cure Fever and stomach ache Lemon grass
Mimosa pudica(Touch me not)-Used to increase haemoglobin content of the blood. Used to control bleeding during menstrual cycle.. Mimosa pudica
Hibiscus Its leaves and flowers use to cure hair loss. Used for expelling gases.
Hair conditioning
Aloe Vera Use for cooling, promotes Menstrual flow,softens Swollen parts and used As major ingredient for cosmetics item
Plants as foodVegetables Spices Beverages Fruits O i ls
Government high school Thanisandra Medicinal Garden
opinions for not using medicinal herbs Lack of knowledge. Lack of faith. Need immediate effect. Faith in Allopathy. Herbal treatment is believed As Supersticious.
M. S. Ramayya North City Park Banglore.
M.S. Ramayya North City Park Banglore
Botanical gardens in Banglore Lalbagh
“Use Herbs keep doctors away and save money”.
Herbs family happy family
Conclusion Use more herbs to maintain good health. “Grow Herbs Grow Health” "Your food shall be your medicine and your medicine shall be your food." ~ Hippocates (the Father of Medicine) Save plants as they are living resources.
Our cardial thanks to our Head Mistress and Teachers for their guidance and Support.