Subsistence agriculture is found in LDC’s which is food primarily for consumption by the family. Examples are; shifting cultivation, pastoral nomadism, intensive
Commercial ag is found in MDC’s and is primarily for sale off the farm. Therefore classifying the world into ag regions tells us whether or not the food was produced on a farm.
commercial production
Who hunted and gathered: Nomads who practiced forms of subsistence, and obtained their food this way before agriculture, and they are located on the periphery of societies.
Agricultural hearths include SE asia, South america, Northern China and Ethiopia western india, Southern mexico.
possible migration europe?
Carl Sauer- vegetative planting, reproduction cloning plants, probably originated in SE asia.
Seed agriculture probably originated in sw asia, also first to integrate seed ag with animal domestication
Things that determine what ag practices are in a region; land characteristics culture limited knowledge of ag climate
Plantation agriculture is usually found in LDC’s
steps of shifting cultivation - clear trees, clear undergrowth, (some burn area to create swidden for fertilization) plant or leave until nutrients return to soil.
The most common forms of ag practiced in Europe and the US is mixed mixed crop and livestock
Wet rice terraces, Indonesia. Because wet rice needs to be grown on flat land, hillsides are terraced to increase the area of rice production. LDCs, developing country, intensive subsistence agriculture
Figure 10-5 page 336. Chart on left of page
know location of climates
Intensive subsistence practiced heavily in SE asia, south asia and east asia. Work is done by hand or with animals. Using water buffalo or oxen. Little mechanization because of lack of money. Everyone in family is involved.
Intensive subsistence agriculture. Rice is harvested by hand in the large population concentrations of Asia, including this field in Indonesia.
Threshed - Beating rice plants on the ground or treading by foot to separate husk from seeds.
Pro’s for shifting ag, include no permanent destruction to land, no toxic chemicals to pollute, part of folk custom.
Pastoral nomads - Occupy 20% of earth’s land area. ( approx. 15 million ) practiced in dry climates. Territorial, moving to find water and to forage.
pastoral nomadism
Double cropping involves two harvests in one year from one field, usually accompanied by warm winters. Wet crop summer/ drier crop winter
The differences between commercial and subsistence farming include: farm size use of machinery surplus production percentage of farmers in the labor force
a big farm
The US and Russia are world leaders in commercial grain production. Fig 10-5
Crop rotation - involves rotating the crop of the same field from year to year so not to exhaust the soil.
Von thunen model - Basics as follows: Commercial farmers locate farms closer to markets for crops with higher transportation costs per hectare of output. Crops with lower transportation costs and greater shelf life can be located further from the markets. This is obviously an example for most MDC’s and few LDC’s. He found that specific crops were grown in rings around the city.
rings 1. Gardens and milk production (transport $$$, perishable) 2. Wood lots for timber and fuel. Weighty $$$ transport 3. Various crops and pasture (crop rotation here) 4. Outermost ring used for grazing (space needed)
Sustainable agriculture involves : sensitive land management ( or soil conservation through ridge tillage ), limiting use s of chemicals, integrating crops and livestock. They don’t pen up animals as much and allow animals to consume crops grown on the farm.
environmentally conscious, no pesticides lives here, close to the food, varied crops
Grain imports and exports. Most countries must import more food than they export. The United States has by far the largest excess of food exports compared to imports. Western European countries are also leading food exporters, though they are also leading food importers.
Soybeans !
The mediterranean ag produces fruits, nut, olives, veggie and flowers. Most foods from this region are for human consumption.
mediterranean ag
Truck farming is a predominantly northeastern US agribusiness focused on using machinery to cut costs.
Look at the maps, look at the maps, look at the map, did I say look at the maps?