CEEP - Connect, Engage, Empower, Participate AGM and Stanley’s Got Talent - Saturday 11 th July 2009 CEEP is a youth and community development voluntary organisation that aims to make a positive difference in communities by providing opportunity for personal and collective growth
Over the past year..... Light Water Valley
BOOM Project So far this year we have attended two BOOM workshops, we learnt how to make and edit a film successfully. We used these skills to film a street dance project and in the next year we hope to set up video workshops with the young people so that we can create some new films from their ideas.
Street Dance First Aid Training
Work with Lancaster and Morecambe College – painting the room, leaf sweeping and litter picking in the local area
Coming soon.... The Big Lunch was dreamed up by Tim Smit and Paul Twivy one morning at the Eden Project. On 25 th July we are going to launch The Big Lunch. It is a party/meet with the idea in mind to bring communities together. All across the UK there will be Big Lunches held on the 19th July (as the website states) but Morecambe's will be held on the 25th so we can make it better! The idea is to bring the community into one place so as we can make friends with new people and discuss new ideas and raise money to support the community. There will be face painting, music, buffet food and competitions, as well the Big Lunch! Everyone is welcome, bring friends, family, neighbours!
Sports In the last Summer Programme we ran the Mini Olympics which was a great success; we had a range of activities which the young people liked including sprinting and target shot. During Tuesday sessions, football is the main sport but we also play volleyball, coneball and other sports.
Sports Person of The Year This award is given to the person who we feel has performed best all year and deserves recognition for that. We feel that George Bassett deserves this
Art and Craft Over the past year we have made robots from recycled materials, decorated plain t-shirts with paints and made posters for around the building. We have also tried to improve creative skills and encouraged the children in using their imaginations by setting them tasks of drawing things such as different faces and clothes designs. We have also designed our own monsters and made up animals.
Artist of the year This award is given to the person who performed best during the art and craft sessions and who made the best progress whilst in the sessions. We believe that Leah Boyle deserves this.
Member of the Year We feel that the member of the year should have respect for themselves, for other young people and members of staff and for any property that is in and around the building. The young person who we think has showed those attributes in the 8-12 year olds group is Ellie Schofield, and from the year olds group is Kerry Dryden.
The band have been playing together for about a year now and we practice most Saturday nights. We have played a few important gigs including the LACYP AGM and the Lancaster Boy’s and Girl’s Club 80 th Anniversary. The band have recorded a few songs and we are hoping to release an album soon. Agape and The Infinities
Monday - 3 to 5pm Open for 8 to 12 years old Tuesday - 1:30pm Art and Craft Group 5:30 to 7pm Open for 8 to 12 years old 7:30 to 9pm Open for 12 to 18 year old Wednesday - 1pm to 3pm Community Chat and Coffee Thursday - 3 to 5pm Open for 8 to 18 years old Friday - 3 to 5pm Open for 8 to 12 years old Saturday - 7pm Open for 14 to 18 years old Sunday - 7:30 to 9pm Community Forum for All Ages Opening Times
‘The leaders are nice and I like the activities’ Leah ‘I like doing art’ Courtney I like football, wii, pool table and tuck shop’ Oliver ‘I like the football, computers and TV’s’ Joe ‘I like football and pool’ Kieran
‘I come for the tuck shop, it’s really good, everyone should come. You make new friends’ Alice ‘Fun meeting with your friends’ Ben ‘Fab tuck shop’ Amber ‘I like the computers and the wii, I also like art and the TV’s’ Chloe ‘I like the sport, the art and the leaders are nice’ Ellie