Copyright by Norman L. Geisler 2007 Preterism When Will the Last Trumpet Sound?
Introducing Some Preterists R. C. Sproul Hank Hanegraaff
Outline I. Five Views on the Tribulation II. Definition of Preterism III. Full Preterism IV. Partial Preterism V. Pretribulationism I. Five Views on the Tribulation II. Definition of Preterism III. Full Preterism IV. Partial Preterism V. Pretribulationism
A Literal Millennial Reign is Supported By: 1. The land promise to Abraham. 2. The throne promise to David. 3. The expectation of the kingdom by the prophets. 4. The presentation of the kingdom by John. 5. The parable of the kingdom by Jesus. 6. The promise of Jesus to return and reign. 7. The expectation of the disciples for Israel. 8. The promise of restoration for Israel by Peter. 9. The prediction of Israel’s re-engrafting by Paul. 10. The need for the defeat of death and Satan. 11. The millennium between two resurrections. 12. The need for a restoration of Paradise. A Literal Millennial Reign is Supported By: 1. The land promise to Abraham. 2. The throne promise to David. 3. The expectation of the kingdom by the prophets. 4. The presentation of the kingdom by John. 5. The parable of the kingdom by Jesus. 6. The promise of Jesus to return and reign. 7. The expectation of the disciples for Israel. 8. The promise of restoration for Israel by Peter. 9. The prediction of Israel’s re-engrafting by Paul. 10. The need for the defeat of death and Satan. 11. The millennium between two resurrections. 12. The need for a restoration of Paradise.
What is the “Tribulation”? 1. It is Daniel’s seventieth “week” (9:27) = 7 years.
What is the “Tribulation”? 1. It is Daniel’s seventieth “week” (9:27) = 7 years. 2. It is an “end time”period just before Christ returns (Mt. 24). 3. It is a time dominated by the “Antichrist” (1 Jn. 2:18). 4. He makes a seven-year covenant with the Jews (Dan. 9:27a). 5. He breaks the covenant half way through it (Dan. 9:27b). 6. He claims to be God and demands worship (Rev. 13; 2 Thess. 2). 7. He persecutes and kills those who believe in Christ (Rev. 13). 8. It is a a time of God’s great judgments on the world (Rev. 6-18). 9. It is climaxed with the battle of Armageddon when Israel is invaded by the armies of the world (Rev. 16:16; Zech. 14). 10. It is followed by Christ’s return to earth in judgments on the world (Rev. 19) and His subsequent reign (Rev. 20). 11. During the Tribulation a remnant of Jews and Gentiles are saved and preserved by God through the Trials (Rev. 7, 14). 1. It is Daniel’s seventieth “week” (9:27) = 7 years. 2. It is an “end time”period just before Christ returns (Mt. 24). 3. It is a time dominated by the “Antichrist” (1 Jn. 2:18). 4. He makes a seven-year covenant with the Jews (Dan. 9:27a). 5. He breaks the covenant half way through it (Dan. 9:27b). 6. He claims to be God and demands worship (Rev. 13; 2 Thess. 2). 7. He persecutes and kills those who believe in Christ (Rev. 13). 8. It is a a time of God’s great judgments on the world (Rev. 6-18). 9. It is climaxed with the battle of Armageddon when Israel is invaded by the armies of the world (Rev. 16:16; Zech. 14). 10. It is followed by Christ’s return to earth in judgments on the world (Rev. 19) and His subsequent reign (Rev. 20). 11. During the Tribulation a remnant of Jews and Gentiles are saved and preserved by God through the Trials (Rev. 7, 14).
I.Five Views of-- when the Trumpet will Sound (when the Rapture will occur) 1Thes. 4:15-17: “According to the Lord’s own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up [raptured] together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.”
I.Five Views of-- when the Trumpet will Sound (when the Rapture will occur) A. Pretribulation: Before the Tribulation B. Midtribulation: In the Middle of the It C. Prewrath: Just before the End of It D. Posttribulation: At the End of It E. Preterism: By A.D. 70 (no future Trib.) A. Pretribulation: Before the Tribulation B. Midtribulation: In the Middle of the It C. Prewrath: Just before the End of It D. Posttribulation: At the End of It E. Preterism: By A.D. 70 (no future Trib.)
II. Definition of Preterism A. Meaning of the Word: From the Latin word preter (past) B. Two Kinds of Preterism: 1. Full Preterism (Extreme): The Tribulation, Resurrection, and Second Coming were all fulfilled by A.D.70 (Rev. 6-22; Mat ). 2. Partial Preterism (Moderate): Only the Tribulation is fulfilled by A.D. 70, not the Resurrection and Second Coming (only Rev and parallels in Mat were fulfilled ). A. Meaning of the Word: From the Latin word preter (past) B. Two Kinds of Preterism: 1. Full Preterism (Extreme): The Tribulation, Resurrection, and Second Coming were all fulfilled by A.D.70 (Rev. 6-22; Mat ). 2. Partial Preterism (Moderate): Only the Tribulation is fulfilled by A.D. 70, not the Resurrection and Second Coming (only Rev and parallels in Mat were fulfilled ).
III. Full Preterism A. Arguments for the View (below) B. Objections to the View 1. It is heretical to say the resurrection (2 Tim. 2:18) or Second Coming is past (cf. Creeds). 2. It is contrary to fact (since the bodies of believers are still in their graves--cf. John 5:28-29; Acts 2:29-35). 3. They misinterpret many scriptures (see below). 4. They must resort to allegorism which would undermine other essential doctrines. 5. Luke 21:22 says “that all things that are written may be fulfilled.” But this can’t refer to A.D. 70, as Full Preterists say, since the Virgin Birth in Bethlehem was earlier. 6. “All things...written” can’t refer to Jesus words which were not yet written, but to OT predictions about Jerusalem (v. 20). A. Arguments for the View (below) B. Objections to the View 1. It is heretical to say the resurrection (2 Tim. 2:18) or Second Coming is past (cf. Creeds). 2. It is contrary to fact (since the bodies of believers are still in their graves--cf. John 5:28-29; Acts 2:29-35). 3. They misinterpret many scriptures (see below). 4. They must resort to allegorism which would undermine other essential doctrines. 5. Luke 21:22 says “that all things that are written may be fulfilled.” But this can’t refer to A.D. 70, as Full Preterists say, since the Virgin Birth in Bethlehem was earlier. 6. “All things...written” can’t refer to Jesus words which were not yet written, but to OT predictions about Jerusalem (v. 20).
IV. Partial Preterism A. Arguments for the View 1. The use of “quickly” in the Book of Revelation (1:1; 22:12). 2. The use of “this generation” (Mt. 24:34). 3. The use of “you” in Mat The use of “near” in Rev. 1:3. 5. The fact that some will not taste death before Christ’s “coming” (Mt. 16:28). 6. Israel will see Christ in the sky when He returns (Mt. 23:39). B. Criticisms of the View 1. It is inconsistent since “quickly” (tachu) is used of the whole Book of Revelation, including the 2nd Coming and Millennium (19-20) (2:5, 16: 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20). 2. If consistent, it is heretical since it denies fundamentals of the Faith like the Second Coming (Acts 1:10-11) and the Resurrection (2Tim. 2:18). 3. It misinterprets crucial biblical texts (see next). A. Arguments for the View 1. The use of “quickly” in the Book of Revelation (1:1; 22:12). 2. The use of “this generation” (Mt. 24:34). 3. The use of “you” in Mat The use of “near” in Rev. 1:3. 5. The fact that some will not taste death before Christ’s “coming” (Mt. 16:28). 6. Israel will see Christ in the sky when He returns (Mt. 23:39). B. Criticisms of the View 1. It is inconsistent since “quickly” (tachu) is used of the whole Book of Revelation, including the 2nd Coming and Millennium (19-20) (2:5, 16: 3:11; 22:7, 12, 20). 2. If consistent, it is heretical since it denies fundamentals of the Faith like the Second Coming (Acts 1:10-11) and the Resurrection (2Tim. 2:18). 3. It misinterprets crucial biblical texts (see next).
C. Correcting Their Misinterpretations 1. Use of “quickly” in Rev (1:1; 2:16; 22:12) (a) It can mean suddenly, not soon. (b) Many Greek scholars support this (A.T. Robertson and Arndt and Gingrich). (c) It fits with the context (Rev. 1:19; 22:12). 2. Use of “this generation” (Mt. 24:34) (a) It can mean “race”or “clan” as in Luke 16:8 (i.e., Jewish Nation will still be alive then). (b) It can mean the generation alive in the future Tribulation when those things are fulfilled. (c) It can have both a near and far view application. (d) It can mean the 1st century generation which was alive when those things began to be fulfilled (cf. v. 8). So, there is no need to take it as referring only to the 1st cent. 1. Use of “quickly” in Rev (1:1; 2:16; 22:12) (a) It can mean suddenly, not soon. (b) Many Greek scholars support this (A.T. Robertson and Arndt and Gingrich). (c) It fits with the context (Rev. 1:19; 22:12). 2. Use of “this generation” (Mt. 24:34) (a) It can mean “race”or “clan” as in Luke 16:8 (i.e., Jewish Nation will still be alive then). (b) It can mean the generation alive in the future Tribulation when those things are fulfilled. (c) It can have both a near and far view application. (d) It can mean the 1st century generation which was alive when those things began to be fulfilled (cf. v. 8). So, there is no need to take it as referring only to the 1st cent.
C. Correcting Their Misinterpretations 3. Use of “you” in Mat : “You” is used of the future (proleptically)-- “ your descendants” (cf. Mat. 5:11), and historically-- “ your ancestors” (Mat. 23:35). 4. The use of “near” in Rev. 1:3: (a) Like “short” and “long,” “near” is relative. (b) By whose measurements? Ours? God’s? (2Pet. 3:8). (c) Hebrews 10:37 says Jesus would come in just “a little while” (nearly 2000 years ago). (d) Haggai 2:6-7 said the Messiah would rebuild the glorious temple in a “little while” (It is nearly 2500 years already). 3. Use of “you” in Mat : “You” is used of the future (proleptically)-- “ your descendants” (cf. Mat. 5:11), and historically-- “ your ancestors” (Mat. 23:35). 4. The use of “near” in Rev. 1:3: (a) Like “short” and “long,” “near” is relative. (b) By whose measurements? Ours? God’s? (2Pet. 3:8). (c) Hebrews 10:37 says Jesus would come in just “a little while” (nearly 2000 years ago). (d) Haggai 2:6-7 said the Messiah would rebuild the glorious temple in a “little while” (It is nearly 2500 years already).
C. Correcting Their Misinterpretations 5. Some will not taste death before Christ’s “coming” (Mt. 16:28). (a) The context shows it meant the Transfiguration which began in the very next verse (17:1f). (b) Peter confirmed this view (2 Pet. 1:16-18). (c) This foreshadowed His Second Coming in power and great glory (Mt. 24:30-31). 5. Some will not taste death before Christ’s “coming” (Mt. 16:28). (a) The context shows it meant the Transfiguration which began in the very next verse (17:1f). (b) Peter confirmed this view (2 Pet. 1:16-18). (c) This foreshadowed His Second Coming in power and great glory (Mt. 24:30-31).
C. Correct Interpretations of the Verses 6. Jesus said to Israel, “You will see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’” (Mt. 23:39). Partial Preterist claim this was fulfilled in A.D. 70 when Jesus was seen in the sky bringing judgment on Jerusalem. But this misinterprets the text because: (a) It is not a judgment coming (like A.D. 70) but a “blessed” coming. (b) It implies Israel will have repented by then, but Israel never repented of rejecting their Messiah in A.D. 70. They still haven’t. (c) They will repent at Christ’s 2nd Coming (Zech cf. Rom. 11:23-26). 6. Jesus said to Israel, “You will see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord’” (Mt. 23:39). Partial Preterist claim this was fulfilled in A.D. 70 when Jesus was seen in the sky bringing judgment on Jerusalem. But this misinterprets the text because: (a) It is not a judgment coming (like A.D. 70) but a “blessed” coming. (b) It implies Israel will have repented by then, but Israel never repented of rejecting their Messiah in A.D. 70. They still haven’t. (c) They will repent at Christ’s 2nd Coming (Zech cf. Rom. 11:23-26).
C. Other Reason Against Preterism 1. There is good evidence John wrote after A. D. 70. (a) Ignatius and Polycarp held it (in late 1st cent.). (b) Irenaeus supported it (2nd cent.) (c) Victorinus embraced it (3rd Cent.) (d) Eusebius confirmed it (4th cent.) (e) Condition of 7 churches of Revelation fits a later period (cf. Laodicea which was prosperous in Revelation yet was destroyed in A.D. 61 by an earthquake). (f) John’s exile on Patmos reflects a later date than 2Tim 4. (g) John’s leadership in Asia Minor (in place of Paul) assumes a later date. 2. Earliest Fathers opposed Preterism. They spoke of a coming antiChrist and Tribulation after A. D. 70 (Ignatius, Polycarp, Didache, Clement of Alexandria, and Irenaeus). 1. There is good evidence John wrote after A. D. 70. (a) Ignatius and Polycarp held it (in late 1st cent.). (b) Irenaeus supported it (2nd cent.) (c) Victorinus embraced it (3rd Cent.) (d) Eusebius confirmed it (4th cent.) (e) Condition of 7 churches of Revelation fits a later period (cf. Laodicea which was prosperous in Revelation yet was destroyed in A.D. 61 by an earthquake). (f) John’s exile on Patmos reflects a later date than 2Tim 4. (g) John’s leadership in Asia Minor (in place of Paul) assumes a later date. 2. Earliest Fathers opposed Preterism. They spoke of a coming antiChrist and Tribulation after A. D. 70 (Ignatius, Polycarp, Didache, Clement of Alexandria, and Irenaeus).
C. Other Reason Against Preterism 3. Many things were not fulfilled in A. D. 70: a. The moon did not turn to blood (Acts 2:20). b. The Stars did not fall from the sky (Mat. 24:29). c. 1/3 of the land animals were not killed (Rev. 9:10). d. All life in the sea did not die (Rev. 16:3). e. Christ did not come visibly (Mt. 24:30; Rev. 1:7). f. He is not literally reigning on a throne on earth now (Mt. 19:28 cf. Acts 1:10-11). g. He did not distribute the final rewards in A.D. 70 (Rev. 22:12). h. Israel was not yet converted in A.D. 70 (Mt. 23:39). 3. Many things were not fulfilled in A. D. 70: a. The moon did not turn to blood (Acts 2:20). b. The Stars did not fall from the sky (Mat. 24:29). c. 1/3 of the land animals were not killed (Rev. 9:10). d. All life in the sea did not die (Rev. 16:3). e. Christ did not come visibly (Mt. 24:30; Rev. 1:7). f. He is not literally reigning on a throne on earth now (Mt. 19:28 cf. Acts 1:10-11). g. He did not distribute the final rewards in A.D. 70 (Rev. 22:12). h. Israel was not yet converted in A.D. 70 (Mt. 23:39).
C. Other Reason Against Preterism 4. It is based on an allegorical hermeneutic that, if applied consistently, would undermine other fundamental doctrines (like the resurrection and second Coming of Christ). So, while it is is not a fundamental doctrinal error, it is a fundamental interpretation error--that can lead to a denial of fundamental doctrines. 4. It is based on an allegorical hermeneutic that, if applied consistently, would undermine other fundamental doctrines (like the resurrection and second Coming of Christ). So, while it is is not a fundamental doctrinal error, it is a fundamental interpretation error--that can lead to a denial of fundamental doctrines.
V. PreTribulationism Seven Reasons to Support the Trumpet Sounding Before the Tribulation 1. He will save us from that “hour” (Rev. 3:10). 2. He will save us from the coming “wrath” (1Thes. 5:9). 3. The church is not mentioned at any time during the Tribulation (2:7, 11 [19 times in 1-3]; 22:16). 4. It is an imminent event (1Cor. 15:52; Titus 2:12-13). 5. There are no signs for the rapture (1Thes. 4:17-18). 6. The Tribulation is for Israel (Jer. 30:7). 7. Christ has to come for His saints (in the air) before He can come with them (to earth)--Jude 14. Seven Reasons to Support the Trumpet Sounding Before the Tribulation 1. He will save us from that “hour” (Rev. 3:10). 2. He will save us from the coming “wrath” (1Thes. 5:9). 3. The church is not mentioned at any time during the Tribulation (2:7, 11 [19 times in 1-3]; 22:16). 4. It is an imminent event (1Cor. 15:52; Titus 2:12-13). 5. There are no signs for the rapture (1Thes. 4:17-18). 6. The Tribulation is for Israel (Jer. 30:7). 7. Christ has to come for His saints (in the air) before He can come with them (to earth)--Jude 14.
Christ May Come at Any Moment 1. We are not looking for the Antichrist but are waiting for the Christ. 2. We are listening for a sound, not looking for a sign (Mat. 24:36; Acts 1:7). 3. We are not looking for the Undertaker, but the Upper-Taker. 1. We are not looking for the Antichrist but are waiting for the Christ. 2. We are listening for a sound, not looking for a sign (Mat. 24:36; Acts 1:7). 3. We are not looking for the Undertaker, but the Upper-Taker.
When the Roll is Called Up Yonder When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, And time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair; When the saved on earth shall gather Over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, And time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair; When the saved on earth shall gather Over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
When the Roll is Called Up Yonder When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, And time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair; When the saved on earth shall gather Over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. On that bright and cloudless morning, When the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather To their homes beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, And time shall be no more, And the morning breaks eternal bright and fair; When the saved on earth shall gather Over on the other shore, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there. On that bright and cloudless morning, When the dead in Christ shall rise, And the glory of His resurrection share; When His chosen ones shall gather To their homes beyond the skies, And the roll is called up yonder, I’ll be there.
The King is Coming O the King is coming, the King is coming! I just hear the trumpet sounding, And now His face I see. O the King is coming, the King is coming! Praise God, He is coming for me! O the King is coming, the King is coming! I just hear the trumpet sounding, And now His face I see. O the King is coming, the King is coming! Praise God, He is coming for me!