Measures and conversions Length, volume, area, weight, temperature Metric and Imperial Some things here still in imperial - miles and miles per hour, pints Advantage of metric is the ease with which one unit can be converted to another Decimal system
Metric Units Kilo (k) means 1000 x deci (d) means one tenth hecto (h) means 100 x deca (da) means 10 x centi (c) means one hundredth milli (m) means one thousandth
Imperial units 1 mile = 1760 yards 1 yard = 3 feet 1 foot = 12 inches 1 ton = 20 hundredweight (cwt) 1 cwt = 112 pounds (lb) 1 stone = 14 pounds 1 pound = 16 ounces (oz)
Imperial Units 1 gallon = 8 pints 1 pint = 20 fluid ounces (fl oz)
Imperial Units Convert 76” to feet and inches Convert 6lb 5oz to ounces Convert 18 pints to gallons
Conversion between Imperial and Metric units Sometimes necessary to convert between Imperial and metric units Often only a rough conversion required For larger quantities or where a correct figure is required, a more appropriate degree of accuracy is required
Conversion Factors 5 miles 8 km 1 metre 39 inches 1 foot 30.5 cm 1 litre 1.75 pints 1 litre 0.2 gallons 1 kg 2.2 lbs 1 mile = km 1 yard = m 1 foot = cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm 1kg = lb 1 litre = 1.76 pt 1 gallon = 4.55 litres
Conversions A packet of sugar weighs 250g. What weight in ounces should be printed on the packet? 1kg = lb 1000g = x 16 oz = oz 1 g = oz 250g = x 250 oz = 8.82 oz Minimum weight of the sugar = 8.8 oz