Directory Structure (GEOPAK Road Manual Chapters 1 & 2) MicroStation/GEOPAK files are stored in the t drive under t:\de-proj\county_designation\jobnumber data folder (AKA the working directory): should contain GEOPAK/MicroStation working drawings/files. Project folder: Should contain only files and users required to run GEOPAK project manager. Plan_Sheets folder: Should contain sub-folders that refer to either plan sheet scales or types of plan sheets.
CADD Electronic Data Photogrammetry Data. Survey Data. GEOPAK Design Data. MicroStation Data.
Photogrammetry/Survey Data Items to keep documented: Date of mapping/pick up work Control point/global origins used for MicroStation mapping Projection factors (if known) What is provided from Photogrammetry/Survey? TIN model(s). MicroStation map models (.dgn). GEOPAK coordinate database (.gpk). Where is the Photogrammetry/Survey data stored? The TIN models and MicroStation map models should be placed in the working directory for the appropriate job (data folder). If the GPK file from survey or photogrammetry is needed for design purposes, it needs to be renamed and placed in the working directory.
GEOPAK Design Data What exactly goes in the working directory (data folder)? Coordinate geometry files (GPK files) Input and output files for running various processes in GEOPAK GEOPAK drainage files (GDF files) Working MicroStation drawings (DGN files) such as plan view, profile view, cross section view, topo, pattern/shape files, etc.
GEOPAK Design Data What type of geometry is placed in these “working drawings”? Plan view DGN’s: Any proposed plan view geometry to be shown on the plan sheets such as EOP, EOS, guardrail, R/W lines, limits of construction, stationing, etc. Profile view DGN’s: Profile view geometry of both existing and proposed profiles. This drawing can contain multiple alignment profiles. Cross section View DGN’s: Intelligent GEOPAK cross sections showing existing ground and proposed geometry. Topo DGN’s: Any topographical geometry picked up by survey or mapped by photogrammetry. Pattern/Shape DGN’s: These files contain both the pattern lines used for cutting existing ground and the superelevation shapes used for running proposed cross sections. In addition, this file contains proposed plan view geometry required to run proposed cross sections, but not needed to show in the plan sheets, such as berm lines.
MicroStation Design Data Types of MicroStation Plan Sheets Title Sheets, Typical Sections, 2B Summaries, Plan/Profile Sheets, Reference Points, Coordinate Points, Special Sheets, Traffic Control, Pavement Marking, Erosion Control, Signing and Lighting, Culvert and Cross Section sheets. If all the plan, profile and cross section view geometry is placed in the “working drawing”, what goes in the plan sheets? Plan sheets contain all necessary referenced drawings and the border file for plotting. The only type of geometry that is actually placed in the plan sheets are notes, tables and special details. How do I handle photographs in my plan sheets or public displays? Photographs are referenced to the “working plan view drawing” or the plan sheet itself as a Raster Image. Raster images can make a MicroStation file very large, which will create problems at the time of plotting. The plotters cannot plot the entire file as they run out of memory. Therefore, if attaching raster images, do as much editing and clipping using Decartes.
GEOPAK/MicroStation Naming Convention ( Is there any naming convention we should be following? There is no mandatory naming convention; however, with the help of the CADD and GEOPAK Quality Circles, CADD Support has developed the following suggestions: Working Drawings: File Name: baseline_filetype_jobnumber.dgn FieldIDDescription baselineMain baseline on which the drawing is based. This should reflect the name of the item it represents; i.e. rte36, i70, mainst, etc. filetypeType of information contained in the file (i.e. dtm, plan, patternshape, profile, topo, xs, row, util, etc.) jobnumberJob number or drawing form number. File NameDescription RTE13_XS_J8P0590.DGNCross sections for Rte. 13. RTE50_PLAN_J5P0634.DGNPlan view design file for Rte. 50 BlGHORN_PATTERNSHAPE_J5P0634.DGNJob # or drawing form number. I44_TOPO_J9I0469.DGNExisting topography for I-44 Examples:
GEOPAK/MicroStation Naming Convention ( Plan Sheet Drawings: File Name: sheettypesheetno_unitsscale_jobnumber.dgn FieldIDDescription sheettypeType of drawing. i.e. plan, profile, culvert, xs, etc. sheetnoSheet number for multiple sheet plans. unitsDrawing units (I for imperial units, M for metric units). scaleLine style scale used for the drawing (i.e. 520, 100, 500, etc.) jobnumberJob number or drawing form number File NameDescription TITLE01_I1_J8P0590.DGNTitle sheet #1, english scale 1. PLPR03_I100_J5P0634.DGNPlan/profile sheet #3, english scale 100. XS_SHEETS_I10_J5P0634.DGNCross section sheets, english scale 10. TCP05_I50_J9I0469.DGNTraffic control plan sheet #5, english scale 50. Examples:
GEOPAK/MicroStation Naming Convention COGO Chains and Profiles (name must be 9 or less characters in length and they can be alpha-numeric): Chain or Profile Name: nameEX or namePR## FieldIDDescription nameName or designation for the chain or profile as defined by user. This should reflect the name or abbreviation of the item it represents; i.e. rte36, i70, main,etc. EXAbbreviation for existing chain/profile. PRAbbreviation for proposed chain/profile. ##Number that represents the various preliminary proposed alignments. For instance, you can have 3 possible alignments for one route. Chain/Profile NameDescription MAINEXMain Street existing alignment. I44PR01I-44 proposed preliminary alignment #1. RTE65PR03Route 65 proposed preliminary alignment #3. Notice that this name has the maximum 9 character length limit. I70EBLPR1I-70 east bound lane proposed preliminary alignment #1. SBL63PR2Route 63 south bound lane proposed preliminary alignment #2. Examples: