Kinsman Redeemer Lesson 3
The Redemption of the Earth Genesis 1:26-31 Man was to Rule over the earth, Fill it and Subdue it. Man disobeyed and lost the land Hebrews 2:5-15 Man was crowned by God with glory and honor Jesus is mentioned as the Son of Man in vs. 9 He partook of flesh and blood like His brethren Man feared death Jesus, by His own death, redeemed mankind
The Devil Eph. 2:1-7 He is the prince of the power of the air Rules over the sons of disobedience I John 5:19 Ruler of this world Matt. 4 Jesus did not dispute that he ruled over the kingdoms of this world
Colossians 1:11-14 God the Father rescued us and transferred us Jesus Christ, the Passover Lamb, redeemed us Believers live, no longer under Satan’s control WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO RULE? Man, but he chose to disobey God and sin and death entered the world
Revelation Rev. 1:19 The things which you have seen Rev. 1 The things which are – Revelation 2 -3 “What must take place after these things” Rev. 4-22 Rev. 5 The Lamb Who is Worthy Jesus is the only One Who is worthy to open the book and break its seals Jesus made men to be a kingdom of priests to God and they will reign on earth
Jeremiah 32 Jeremiah purchased, redeemed, a piece of land His redemption of that piece of land showed hope in the Lord’s promise to return His people to their land Daniel 7, John 1 and Mark 13 His dominion is everlasting His kingdom will not be destroyed The devil’s dominion will be destroyed: his is NOT everlasting
The Blood Avenger Numbers 35 “avenger” = goel/gaal redeem A kinsman, relative, who was to avenge the murder of his relative He was to kill the murderer and thereby keep the land from being defiled by the shedding of innocent blood He could NOT take the life of one who unintentionally killed a relative. Only appointed to kill a murderer
Cities of Refuge Protected the manslayer until proven guilty or innocent Judged by the congregation/elders Could not leave the city for fear of death If he left the city, the blood avenger could kill him without punishment
Jesus’ duty The devil is a murderer from the beginning The devil murdered mankind by deceit The devil is the murderer of man Jesus became a man to be: the close relative the redeemer man’s “goel” the blood avenger It is HIS responsibility to kill the devil, the murderer of his relative: man.
Joel 3:11-21 A time is coming for Him to judge They will be judged for the way they have treated His people He will avenge the blood shed in Judah and Jerusalem Rev. 19-20 He will avenge the blood of His bondservants Satan will be bound for 1,000 years, then released for a short time. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone
Our God Our God does indeed repay with vengeance Our God is ABLE to judge Our God is WILLING and ABLE to be our Kinsman Redeemer Our God is our Blood Avenger Our God provided Jesus, our High Priest, our “brethren” He is YOUR Kinsman Redeemer