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Click here to add text Click here to add text. The Misunderstood Messiah Church of Christ at MedinaMay 26 th, 2013
Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. The Misunderstood Mission 1.The Messiah came to save men. Despite the wrong attitudes of the religious leaders of the time – the Pharisees – Jesus many times said that His mission was to save the lost. Jesus showed that the Father’s love was intended to save the world through the sacrifice of His Son. The Misunderstood Messiah Luke 19:1-10 Matthew 9:9-13 Matthew 20:28 John 3:16-17 John 10:10 John 12:27 John 12: Timothy 1:15 2.The Messiah came to show the Father. He did this by fulfilling the Law and the Prophets. He did this by performing miracles, which showed He was from God and should have developed faith in those who saw them. May 26 th, 2013 Matthew 5:17 Acts 3:17-18 Acts 13:26-43 John 11:15 Matthew 11:2-6 John 2:23, 7:30-31 John 9:35-41, 20:30-31 Acts 2:22
Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. The Misunderstood Message 1.His message was not just ethical principles good for all society. 2.His message was not simply some new philosophy on living. 3.His message was that salvation was possible. It was the gospel message. The Misunderstood Messiah Matthew 5-7 Romans 1: Corinthians 15:1-5 May 26 th, 2013
Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. The Misunderstood Kingdom 1.His Kingdom was to be spiritual. The Jews were looking for – and continue to be today – a Messiah to sit on the physical throne of David in the physical city of Jerusalem. Jesus proclaimed though that His kingdom was spiritual. The Misunderstood Messiah John 6:15 Acts 1:6 Luke 17:20-21 John 3:1-8 John 18:36 2.The Kingdom is still misunderstood today. The kingdom is not designed just to address social reform. The kingdom is not designed for entertainment – spiritual or otherwise. The kingdom is not designed for physical sustenance. The kingdom is designed for spreading the gospel message. May 26 th, 2013 Romans 14:17 John 6 1 Timothy 3:14-15 Acts 2:37-47 Acts 8:1-4 Ephesians 3:10-11
Place logo or logotype here, otherwise delete this. The Misunderstood Return 1.Many misunderstand the purpose of Christ’s return. Many people today teach error regarding the return of the Christ. They teach that, because He was rejected the first time, He will return to set-up His earthly kingdom for 1,000 years. They neglect the fact that Jesus knew He would be rejected! The Misunderstood Messiah Matthew 21:33-46 Psalm 118:22 Ephesians 2:20 1 Peter 2:7 2.Jesus will return in order to… …bring an end to things here on earth. …separate those who obey from those who don’t. …deliver the kingdom back to God. May 26 th, Peter 3:9-10 Matthew 25:31-46 II Thessalonians 1:7-9 1 Corinthians 15:24