G EOGRAPHY OF THE USA US states Bodies of water Mountains, lowlands VY_32_INOVACE_15-01
A MERICAN S TATES a federation of 50 states and 1 District of Columbia the whole North America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans 9, 400, 000 sq km neighbours: Canada, Mexico (the Rio Grande) Alaska, Hawai Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam… 4 time zones divided into 6 regions: New England The Middle Atlantic The South The Midwest The Southwest The Northwest
N EW E NGLAND & T HE M IDDLE A TLANT. six states: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island history : first colonies - John Smith, Plymouth - Pilgrims Boston history culture, education – Harvard, MIT Vermont rural settlements, farms seven states: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Great Valley The Appalachians history New York, Philadelphia Niagara Falls Pennsylvania Dutch Country Amish people
B OSTON Autor: Nelson48, Název: Boston downtown skyline.jpg Zdroj:
T HE S OUTH eleven states: Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Florida…+ other states along the Gulf Coast cotton and tobacco plantations - history The Great Smoky National Park Washington D.C. – the capital Atlanta – culture, finance, Coca-Cola New Orleans – French atmosphere, jazz Florida – holidays, Miami, Orlando, commercial centre, Cape Canaveral AFS
T HE S OUTH Autor: Astrokey44Nelson48, Název: US map-South Modern.png Zdroj:
T HE M IDWEST & T HE N ORTHWEST thirteen states: Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, … The Black Hills Mt Rushmore The Great Lakes agricultural: corn, wheat, dairy belts Chicago 3 rd largest, The Sears Tower Detroit (car industry), Minneapolis - skyways 1. Rocky Mount. States: Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico 2. The Pacific Northwest States: Oregon, Washington, Alaska Yellowstone NP, Glacier NP, Yosemite NP (canyons, geyser, falls…) The Colorado Rockies Salt Lake City – Mormons, Denver, Seattle – technology, Boeing Alaska – Klondike Gold Rush, Anchorage, Inuits
M T R USHMORE Autor: Sam Boulton, Název: Mt Rushmore.JPG Zdroj: YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Autor: Daniela Mayer, Název: Old Faithful Geyser at Yellowstone.JPG Zdroj: yser_at_Yellowstone.JPG
T HE S OUTHWEST & H AWAI three states: California, Arizona, Nevada The Sequoia NP The Great Basin The Death Valley caves, lakes, pines The Grand Canyon the Colorado river Spanish, Mexican people, Indians Navajos, Shoshones San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas joined the USA in 1959 Hawai, Maui, O`ahu, Kaua`i… the only island as a state tropical climate abundant beaches, diverse nature, volcanos (Mauna Kea, M. Loa) capital: Honolulu languages: official: English and Hawaiian, other:Tagalog, Hawaian Creole English = pidgin (da kine) whaling, sandalwood, sugarcane, pineapple endemits, NP, surfing, Haw. folklore
B ODIES OF WATER Rivers the Mississippi – ‘father of water’ – 3 rd longest in the world the Missouri, the Ohio, the Arkansas the St Lawrence River, the Rio Grande the Colorado, the Columbia, the Snake, the Niagara, the Hudson, the Yukon Lakes The Great Lakes Lake Superior, Ontario, Huron, Erie, Michigan Niagara Falls American X Canadian
M OUNTAINS AND LOWLANDS East: Appalachian Mountains plateaus The Mississippi Lowland The Atlantic Plain West: mountainous mount. rangers: Sierra Nevada, the Cascade Range, the Cordilleras – the Rocky Mount., the Grand Canyon middle: central plains the highest peak X lowest place Mt McKinley (Alaska) X Death Valley
G RAND C ANYON Autor: Jon Sullivan, Název: Grand Canyon-Mather point.jpg Zdroj:
T HANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Autor DUM: Mgr. Darina Sikorová