Health and Wellbeing in British Gas Steve Britton, HR Business Partner Sarah Coop, Head of Health & Wellbeing 4 th November 2010
2 Agenda Background of concept Creating a business wide agenda Our wellbeing strategy Key themes Landing the agenda
3 We needed to become more proactive when managing attendance At the end of 2008, absence was an issue: –Over 12 days per fte –c30 people off long term sick every week Majority of LTS had Stress / Depressive issues, followed by MSD Needed to become proactive Individual initiatives – GCC W.H.O. identified 5 key drivers for wellbeing: –Physical –Psychological –Social –Financial –Environmental
4 We created a brand that would enable people to identify with the concept
5 We gained momentum by holding events every week linked to different elements Health checks – supported by Boots and a local gym. –BMI, cholesterol, blood pressure and spinal checks Social activities including 5-a-side football events and Summer/Christmas parties Emotional resilience seminars Financial advisors Bike to work schemes Trialling MyFamily Care
6 Smile contributed to improvements on our business performance Employee Engagement up from 57% to 74%. ‘Best Companies’ survey Premier had highest result for wellbeing out of the Top 10 Big Companies at 72%. Net Promoter Score now +45 vs -11 in 2008 Attrition had a 64% improvement now below 15% Long term sick cases – consistently in single figures “I think it’s fantastic that the business provides such help and support for all” “This is an excellent initiative, particularly when staff may not be conscious about their own health”
7 Creating a business wide proactive health and wellbeing agenda Establish a burning platform –Visibility of current issues –Awareness of emerging issues –Link to business strategy Engagement –Business units (using best practice) –Multi-discipline approach –Making it accessible and easy to participate Organisation design –OH transitioned into brand –Established wellbeing team –Growth of wellbeing champion network –H&WB reports into HRD for British Gas
8 Strong foundation underpinned by British Gas HR Strategy Leading health & wellbeing performance BeWell Getting the best out of life and Work Healthy workplace climate Access to lifestyle choices Individual, team and Organisational learning GetWell Getting our people back on their feet Specialist support Occupational Health Capability vs disability StayWell Safe & healthy working environment Health risk assessments Surveillance programmes Travel Health Fit for purpose Health & Wellbeing strategy
9 Themes impacting organisational health, wellbeing and performance EAP Provision E-learning stress awareness training Line Manager training and support Physio interventions Back and knee care Workshops Driver posture awareness Healthy Eating options Nutrition advice Physical activity programmes Flexible working Physical activity Programmes MusculoskeletalMental HealthObesityLate Age Working
10 BeWell Smile Brand development Learning and development Promotion & awareness Wellbeing Culture Diagnostic Current data Workshops Boots Partnership Health assessments Eyecare Additional Services Wellbeing Champion Network Multi-discipline Recognition Insight The health of Our World Emerging issues Targeted investment “Partnering with the business to deliver performance and excellence for our customers through and with our people” StayWell GetWell Activities to support strategy OH Specialist nursing advice Segmented ‘at work’ and ‘absent’ EAP Provision for employees and family Interventions Contracts to provide interventions for MSD Mental Health Awareness programmes Learning & development Behaviour change models Health Surveillance Health benchmarking and ongoing surveillance activities Travel health Offshore travel Risk assessments Safety critical roles Work place assessments Pre-employment Assessments e.g. eye tests, mental health assessments Safety critical Driver safety Awareness and promotion
11 Landing the agenda Proactive wellbeing agenda critical to support organisational success Requires visible top down commitment and participation across the business Creating a programme that is simple, fun and accessible gives traction for delivery Key performance indicators to support outcomes
12 Any Questions
13 Bio Steve Britton, HR Business Partner –Joined British Gas 3 years ago, having a track record of similar HR roles at DSGi, ScottishPower and Thorn EMI spanning 17 years. –Leading the HR and recruitment team in the customer service centre based in Cardiff –Recently completed Masters Degree in Strategic Human Resources focusing on organisational culture
14 Biog Sarah has been with British Gas for over 20 years, and has a background in Operational leadership, having been responsible for large onshore and offshore operations. Sarah has a passion for the health and wellbeing agenda in the business, and delivering performance through well, engaged employees.