Maya Angelo u
Consensogram Yellow Dot 1.I’ve never connected student/teacher relationships with increased student achievement 2.I’ve never deliberately built in activities to improve student/teacher relationships 3.I do attempt to build relationships but not consistently 4.I understand the importance of consistently planning and monitoring activities to build positive student/teacher relationships
Do we really know our students? Do we make them feel important & valued ? Do we maximize their experiences? Do we know them as individuals?
IIII 4/7 Your cell phone vibrates during class and you thought it was on silent. A Lecture follows about school policy and disrespect. The phone is confiscated and your parents must find a time to come to school and pick up from the office. IIIII 5/7 You turn in all your homework on time and everything complete. You always get it back with just a check on it. IIIIIII 7/7 You are sick and out of school for a week. No one calls to check on you. When you return to school, you are asked for all your work in one class by the next day. II 2/7 No adult smiles as you enter the class, and hardly anyone at school calls you by name. III 3/7 You don’t understand something in school and the teacher goes on with the content stating, “Why don’t you listen? Maybe you don’t belong in my class and need to be moved to a remedial class.” 0/7 There’s a knock on the classroom door. You are taking a test in this class. You are informed that your grandmother has died. The teacher asks you to finish the test before you leave. IIIII 5/7 You must move to a different classroom. Upon entering, the teacher rolls her eyes announcing.” I don’t have enough chairs and I’m already at capacity.”
What Co- Teaching Model was just demonstrate d?
Hobbies ? Interest ? Pets? Family?
Does my teacher like me?
Increases attention Increases motivation Increases student achievement Sarcasm
Check on us when we are sick Or even when we have sickness in our family
Teacher commenting the next day makes it even more powerful!
Share a special skill
Increase Choice Making
Busy Work
Please, don’t embarrass me!
Develop a PDSA for your first commitment
Plan Choose the first “commitment” from your Commitment Sheet. Write an “I will” statement (include amount of time and criteria for success) Determine how students will evaluate your performance
Do Write an “I will…..” statement Post in your class Explain procedure to your students Collect the data
Study Review the data Determine success Why or Why not?
Act Move on to next commitment Adapt/Modify current commitment