1 and GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong Anthony Or Education Infrastructure Division Education Bureau 9 Nov 2012 Introducing.


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Presentation transcript:

1 and GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong Anthony Or Education Infrastructure Division Education Bureau 9 Nov 2012 Introducing

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 2 Introduing GeoGebra and GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong (GIHK) 1.Vision of GIHK 2.People of GIHK 3.Introduction to GeoGebra 4.Activities and Support of GIHK

3 1.Vision of GIHK GeoGebra GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

4 1.Vision of GIHK To promote and support the use of GeoGebra and the development and sharing of its materials in Hong Kong, and to nurture collaboration between teachers, educators and researchers for a self-sustaining community of practice. 透過舉辦培訓活動、建立共享網站及進行協作研究, 支援香港的老師使用、開發及分享 GeoGebra 教材, 以促進數學科的學與教,並建立一個自主的實踐社 群( community of practice )。

5 2.People of GIHK GeoGebra GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

6 2.People of GIHK Representative of Hosting Institution Prof. Sandy S. C. Li 李兆璋教授 Head of Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 7 2.People of GIHK Chairmen of Executive Committee Dr. Allen Leung 梁玉麟博士 Department of Education Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University. Mr. Anthony C.M. Or 柯志明先生 Education Infrastructure Division, Education Bureau.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 8 2.People of GIHK Members of Executive Committee Mr. Arthur Lee 李文生先生 Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. Mr. Ka-Lok Wong 黃家樂先生 Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 9 2.People of GIHK Members of Executive Committee Mr. Alex M.F. Chik 戚文鋒先生 C.C.C. Tam Lee Lai Fun Memorial Secondary School. Mr. Chi-Leung Tam 譚志良先生 Quality Assurance & School-based Support Division, Education Bureau.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 10 2.People of GIHK Members of Executive Committee Dr. Eric K.K. Poon 潘建強博士 Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, The Hong Kong Institute of Education. Dr. Yip-Cheung Chan 陳葉祥博士 Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 11 2.People of GIHK Members of Executive Committee Mr. Bobby W.H. Poon 潘維凱先生 St. Paul’s College. Mr. Kai-Chiu Wu 胡棨朝先生 St. Paul’s College.

12 3.Introduction to GeoGebra GeoGebra GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

13 Genesis: the master thesis project of Markus Hohenwarter at the University of Salzburg in 2002 Combine basic features of dynamic geometry software (e.g. Sketchpad, Cabri Geometry) and computer algebra systems (Derive, Maple) in a single and easy-to-use system (Geometry + Algebra) 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – What is GeoGebra?

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 14 Has developed into an open-source project with a group of 38 developers and 200 translators all over the world 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – What is GeoGebra? If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 15 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – What is GeoGebra? Algebra View Toolbar Undo/Redo Input Field Spreadsheet View Graphics View Two Representations Dynamically Linked in Graphics and Algebra Views

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 16 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – Installing GeoGebra

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 17 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – Installing GeoGebra Recommended Update your ver. automatically Run in browser without installation Run in USB drive without installation

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 18 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – GeoGebraTube Sharing Platform Direct upload in GeoGebra Likes Comments Embedding

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 19 International GeoGebra Institute and local GeoGebra Institutes (120+) are established since 2007 to offer teacher training and support develop teaching materials and software conduct research outreach to less well-off communities 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – GeoGebra Institutes

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 20 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – Why GeoGebra? Graphical and Algebraic Numeric Representations of Objects Powerful: Commands, Tools, Scripting, … Flexible: Customization of Toolbar, Java-based Nice Graphical User Interface (GUI) and Easy-to- Use Resources and Supports: 18,000+ applets in GGBTube, Forum, GIHK … Open Source and Free Free software is a matter of liberty, not price.

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 21 A powerful technology tool: for teachers to implement their pedagogical ideas; for students to explore and create understandings for themselves. 術 Technology 道 Pedagogy 3.Introduction to GeoGebra – Why GeoGebra?

22 4.Activities and Support of GIHK GeoGebra GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong

23 4.Activities and Support of GIHK – Seminars and Workshops Elementary Workshops on Drawing Figures and Designing Interactive Tasks using GeoGebra for Primary and Secondary Teachers (separately) in Jan, Apr and Jul 2013 Tentative Dates of Workshops in Jan Sec: 17 Jan (Thu), Pri: 19 Jan (Sat) 2 pm – 5 pm Workshops on Advanced Features of GeoGebra in Jul 2013

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 24 4.Activities and Support of GIHK – Websites for Sharing Materials Facebook Page ( For quick communication and sharing within the community EdBlog ( ) Best browsed with Firefoxhttp://edblog.hkedcity.net/geogebra A depository of the shared materials categorized according to the HK curricular Official Website Available in 2013

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 25 4.Activities and Support of GIHK – Websites for Sharing Materials Steps of Sharing Materials in GIHK Websites 1.Upload your materials to GGBTube 2.Post in our Facebook Page (better with Key Stage and Learning Unit) 3.Administrator of EdBlog would write a post and categorized it suitably 4.Send us a mail if you have any problems:

GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong 26 4.Activities and Support of GIHK – Conduct Collaborative Studies Conduct collaborative studies among teachers, educators and researchers to inform how the use of GeoGebra could enhance the learning and teaching of mathematics Liaised with some teachers to try out some GeoGebra tasks in classrooms to study their effectiveness